Graphics::RenderUtils namespace

This namespace contains most internal stuff related with rendering, such as Direct3D Device and shaders, shader data, etc.


struct DeviceParameters


auto GetDirect3D() -> IDirect3D9*
auto GetDevice() -> IDirect3DDevice9*
Returns the Direct3D Device used for all rendering operations in the game.
auto GetShaderDataSize(short index) -> int
auto RegisterShaderData(short id, ShaderDataInformation::UnfixCB, ShaderDataInformation::RefixCB, ShaderDataInformation::FixupCB, ShaderDataInformation::UploadCB) -> void
auto SetPresentationParameters(const DeviceParameters& parameters) -> int
Assigns the presentation parameters that will be used by the DirectX device.
auto CreateDevice(DeviceParameters& parameters) -> int
Creates the Direct3D device.

Function documentation

IDirect3DDevice9* Graphics::RenderUtils::GetDevice()

Returns the Direct3D Device used for all rendering operations in the game.

int Graphics::RenderUtils::SetPresentationParameters(const DeviceParameters& parameters)

Assigns the presentation parameters that will be used by the DirectX device.


This must not be called, as it would create another device, but it can be detoured.

int Graphics::RenderUtils::CreateDevice(DeviceParameters& parameters)

Creates the Direct3D device.


This must not be called, as it would create another device; if you need to modify this, detour this function.