namespace Anim
- struct anim_block
- struct anim_cid
struct anim_cid_unk
- struct model_unk
- struct anim_csd Creature Skinning Data.
- struct anim_qb
struct anim_query
- struct AnimReference
- class AnimatedCreature
- struct AnimationMessage Data of a message sent from an animation event.
- class cAnimManagerImpl
struct CreatureBlock
- struct Capabilities
struct Deforms
- struct Deform
- class IAnimManager
- class IAnimWorld
- struct SPAnimation
- struct SPAnimationChannel
- struct TlsaAnimation
- struct TlsaAnimChoice
- struct TlsaAnimGroup
namespace App This namespace contains basic utilities that allow to properly interact with the app.
namespace CreatureModeStrategies
- struct Interact
- struct UnlockPart
- namespace ScenarioMode_addresses
- namespace SPPropertyIDs This namespace only contains property IDs to be used in the AppProperties module.
- class Canvas
- class cAppSystem
class cArithmeticaResource Represents an
file, which is ascripts that allows doing mathematical operations on certain values.- struct ArithmeticaFunction
- struct ArithmeticaState
- struct OperationDefinition
- class cCameraManager The implementation of ICameraManager; this should only be used for extending and detouring.
- class cCellModeStrategy
- class cCheatManager The implementation of ICheatManager; this should only be used for extending and detouring.
- class cConfigManager
class cConfigScriptState
- struct cOption
- class cCreatureModeStrategy
class cGameModeManager The implementation of IGameModeManager; this should only be used for extending and detouring.
- struct ModeEntry
- class cIDGenerator
- class cJob
- class cLocaleManager
- class cMessageManager The implementation of IMessageManager; this should only be used for extending and detouring.
- class cMouseCamera
- class CommandLine
- class cPropManager The implementation of IPropManager; this should only be used for extending and detouring.
- class cScenarioMode
- class cSporeApp
- class cStringDetokenizer The class responsible for translating text tokens, which are special characters in locale files.
class cViewer This class represents all the camera and viewport configuration used to render a scene.
- struct Camera
- class DefaultCamera Defines a default implementation of ICamera.
- class DefaultGameMode A class that provides default implementation for all the methods in a IGameMode.
- class DefaultMessageListener A class that inherits from App::
IMessageListener and defines an implementation for the AddRef() and Release() metods. -
class DirectPropertyList A special kind of PropertyList that allows to have fast-access bool/int/float properties, apart from normal properties.
- union DirectValue
- class FileDropMessage
- class GameSpace
- class IAppSystem
- class ICamera This class represents a camera in the game, capable of setting the view transformations used for rendering and receiving input events.
- class ICameraManager This manager handles the cameras in the game.
- class ICheatManager This manager is used to control the available cheats in the game, and the cheat console.
- class IClassManager
- class IConfigManager
- class ICreatureModeActionHandler
- class IGameMode An interface that represents a mode in the game, that can receive mouse/keyboard input and update every frame.
- class IGameModeManager A manager that takes care of game modes; check IGameMode for more information.
- class IGameModeObject Same as App::
IGameMode, but this one includes a Cast method similar to the one in the Object class. - class IJobManager
- class IMessageListener An interface that can receive messages sent through the app.
class IMessageManager This manager defines a messaging system, that allows communication between different parts of the code.
- struct Entry
- class IMessageRC
- class IPropManager A manager that stores all the property lists in the game, used for most configurations.
- class ISPClassFactory
- class IStateManager
- class ITokenTranslator
- class IUnmanagedMessageListener Same as App::
IMessageListener, but this one does not use ref-counting. - class IUpdatable
- class LambdaMessageListener An implementation of IMessageListener using lambda functions.
- struct MessageListenerData
- class OnModeEnterMessage
- class OnModeExitMessage
- struct PngEncoder
class Property Property is a class used to represent a property belonging to a PROP file.
- struct TextProperty
- class PropertyList A class that contains multiple properties.
- class RefCountedString
- class ScheduledTaskListener A message listener that, listening to Update messages, executes the given task after a certain time has passed and (optionally) repetaing it periodically.
- class SetGameModeMessage
class StandardMessage
- union MessageParameter
- class Thumbnail_cImportExport A class related with the .PNG files of creations.
- struct ThumbnailDecodedMetadata
- class UpdateMessageListener A message listener used for Update script methods.
namespace CreatureModeStrategies
namespace ArgScript The Spore scripting language.
- class FormatParser This class contains all the parsers necessary to process a certain ArgScript format.
- class IBlock This parser represents a block of ArgScript lines.
- class ICommand This class is a type of IParser that can parse a single line of data.
- class IFunction Represents an ArgScript function.
- class IParser This interface represents a command or block that can be parsed in ArgScript.
- class ISpecialBlock This is a special kind of block that can process every line individually, and that uses its own end keywords.
- class ITraceStream
- class LambdaParser
- class Lexer This class is used to read and process expressions in ArgScript.
- class Line This class represents a line of ArgScript data.
- struct LineOption An option of an ArgScript line.
namespace Audio
- class AudioSystem
namespace eastl
- namespace Internal
- struct hash<ResourceID> A necessary structure to be able to use ResourceID on containers such as hash_map.
- struct hash<ResourceKey> A necessary structure to be able to use ResourceKey on containers such as hash_map.
- struct hash<Simulator::cCollectableItemID> A necessary structure to be able to use cCollectableItemID on containers such as hash_map.
- struct hash<Simulator::PlanetID>
- struct hash<Simulator::StarID>
namespace Editors Everything related with the editors (except adventure editor)
- class _EditorUI_interface
- struct BakeParameters
class cCreatureDataResource
- struct CapabilityTag
- struct RigblockData
- class cEditor Main class for editors.
- class cEditorAnimEvent
- class cEditorAnimWorld
- class cEditorResource Resource of a saved creation, represents a
, etc file. - struct cEditorResourceBlock
- struct cEditorResourceProperties
- class cEditorSkin
- class cEditorSkinMesh
class cEditorSkinMeshBase
- struct UnkStruct1
- struct UnkStruct2
- struct UnkStruct3
- class ColorChangedMessage A message sent every time the user changes the color of the creation in the editor.
- struct ContentValidation
- class cSpeciesManager
- class cTuningSpine
- class EditorAnimations
- class EditorBaseHandle
- class EditorCamera
- class EditorCreatureController
- class EditorModel Represents the state of a creation in an editor.
class EditorPlayMode
- struct UnkStruct
- class EditorPlayModeBackground
- class EditorRequest This class is used to access the editors.
- class EditorRigblock Represents a "part" (or rigblock) in an editor.
- struct EditorRigblockCapability
- struct EditorRigblockPaint
- class EditorStateEditHistory Structure that records the state of the editor (current mode, budget, etc) for undo/redo history.
- class EditorUI
- class IBakeManager
- class IEditorLimits
- class INameableEntity
- class IPlayModeModule
- class IRefCounted
- class PlayAnimButton
- class PlayAnimPanel
class PlayModeActor
- class WalkAction
- class PlayModeAnimations
- class PlayModeBackgrounds
- class PlayModeUI
- class StdEditorLimits
- struct UnkEditorRigblockStruct1
- struct UnkEditorRigblockStruct2
- class VerbIconData
namespace GalaxyGameEntry
- class GlobalGGEUI
- struct Unknown
namespace GameCiv
- class GameCiv
namespace Graphics All the graphics system: rendering, shaders, models, lighting, textures,...
- namespace ActiveState
- namespace GlobalState
- namespace Renderer_addresses
namespace RenderUtils This namespace contains most internal stuff related with rendering, such as Direct3D Device and shaders, shader data, etc.
- struct DeviceParameters
- class cBufferDraw
- class cFrustumCull
- class cImageData
- class cImageDataRaw
class cLayerGroup An implementation of ILayer that renders a sequence of layers.
- struct cLayerInfo
class cLightingConfig
- struct DirectionalLight
- class cMaterialInfo
- class cMaterialManager The implementation of IMaterialManager; this should only be used for extending and detouring.
- class cMeshData
- class cMITextureSet
- class cModelInstance
class cModelInstanceAnimations
- struct InternalRenderWareData
- class cModelManager The implementation of IModelManager; this should only be used for extending and detouring.
- class cModelWorld
- struct cMWHull
class cMWModelInternal
- struct EffectInstance
- struct ModelLights
- struct cMWTransformedHull
- class CompiledShader
- struct cPlane
- struct cRenderJobInfo
class cRenderTargetManager
- struct Entry
- struct EntryRegion
- class cRwDirectResource
- struct cScreenInfo
class cShaderDataTextureSet
- struct Entry
- class cTextureManager The implementation of ITextureManager; this should only be used for extending and detouring.
- struct FilterSettings
- class GeneratedMesh
- class GmdlRenderAsset
- class IAmbientOccluder
- class IGraphicsManager
- class ILayer This interfaces defines a layer that is rendered every game loop, by callings its ILayer::
DrawLayer() method. - class ILightingManager This manager handles the lighting configurations in the game.
- class ILightingWorld A lighting world is a space with a specific lighting configuration.
- class IMaterialManager This manager stores the information of materials, which are used to control the visual appearance of game objects.
- class IModelManager This manager stores the model worlds in the game; for more info, check the IModelWorld class.
- class IModelWorld A model world is a space where models can be rendered in the game.
- class IRawImage
class IRenderer This class manages the rendering process in the game.
- struct cLayerInfo
- class IRenderTargetManager
- class IShadowWorld
- class ITextureManager
- class IThumbnailManager
- class LambdaLayer
class LayerSequence
- struct SequenceLayer
- struct Light
- class Material Represents a material that controls the visual appearance of game objects.
- class MaterialShader
- class Model
- struct MorphHandleInfo
- struct NamedShaderDataUniform
- class PlanetThumbnailRequest
- struct PosNormalVertex
- struct PosUvVertex
- struct RenderStatistics
- struct RenderTargetID
- class ShaderBuilder
- struct ShaderBuilderEntry
- struct ShaderDataInformation
- struct ShaderDataUniform
- struct ShadowMapInfo
- class StandardShader
- struct StandardVertex
- struct StandardVertexCompact
- class Texture High level representation of a game texture.
- class TextureContainer
- class UnkMatManager
- namespace GroupIDs Contains the ID of some important Spore folders.
namespace IO Classes to work with file input/output, that is, reading and writing data into files.
- namespace Directory
- namespace File
- class EAIOZoneObject A class derived from EAIOZoneObject is able to be allocated from different heaps without the owner of the object needing to know or care which heap the object came from or even what kind of allocator the object is using.
- class FileStream
- class FixedMemoryStream Implements an memory-based stream that supports the IStream interface.
- class IStream
- class MemoryStream Implements an memory-based stream that supports the IStream interface.
- class SharedPointer Implements a basic ref-counted pointer.
- class StreamBuffer Implements a smart buffer around a random-access stream.
- class StreamChild Implements a fixed-size read-only stream which is a 'child' of a parent stream.
- class StreamNull Implements a 'bit bucket' stream, whereby all writes to the stream succeed but do nothing and all reads from the stream succeed but write nothing to the user-supplied buffer.
- class XmlWriter A simple class that can be used to easily write XML files.
namespace Math Basic mathematical objects and functions, such as vectors, random numbers,...
- struct BoundingBox A pair of two Vector3 that define the boundaries of an object (the minimum point and the maximum point in the space).
- struct Color An ARGB color represented by a 32 bit integer value.
- struct ColorHSV Three float values that represent a color (the hue, saturation and value/brightness values).
- struct ColorRGB Three float values in the range [0, 1] that represent a color (the red, green and blue components).
- struct ColorRGBA Four float values in the range [0, 1] that represent a color (the red, green, blue and alpha components).
- struct Dimensions A pair of two float values that represents the dimensions of an image (width, height).
- struct IntDimensions A pair of two integer values that represents the dimensions of an image (width, height).
- struct IntRectangle Represents a rectangular space, defined by two points or by the four edges.
- struct Matrix3 A 3x3 matrix.
- struct Matrix4 A 4x4 matrix.
- struct PlaneEquation
- struct Point Represents a point in the space, defined by two float coordinates (x, y).
- struct Quaternion A vector of 4 float values (x, y, z, w) representing a quaternion rotation, similar to a Vector4.
- struct RandomNumberGenerator
- struct Rectangle Represents a rectangular space, defined by two points or by the four edges.
- struct Vector2 A vector of 2 float values (x, y).
- struct Vector3 A vector of 3 float values (x, y, z).
- struct Vector4 A vector of 4 float values (x, y, z, w).
- namespace ModAPI Interaction with the ModAPI base DLLs.
namespace Palettes
- class AdvancedItemViewer
- class ColorPickerUI This class holds all information related with the color picker in editor categories and its user interface.
- class ColorSwatchUI This class holds all information related with a single color button in editor categories and its user interface.
- class cSPScenarioBrushItemUI
- class cSwatchManager
- class DefaultItemFrameUI
- class IAdvancedItemUI
- class IItemFrameUI
- class ItemViewer
- class OutfitterItemUI
- class PageArrowsUI The class that represents the fragment of user interface of the page numbers and arrow buttons in an Editors::PaletteCategory.
- class PaletteCategory A category in an editor palette contains pages.
class PaletteCategoryUI This class holds all information related with the user interface of a palette category.
- struct PageUIContainer
- class PaletteInfo
- class PaletteItem Represents an item inside a palette page.
- class PaletteIterator Used to iterate through the items of an editors palette.
- class PaletteMain This object represents the palette of an editor.
- class PalettePage A page in an Palettes palette that contains multiple items (Palettes::
PaletteItem). - class PalettePageUI This class holds all information related with the user interface of a palette page.
- class PaletteSubcategoriesUI
- class PaletteUI This class holds all information related to the user interface of a palette.
- class StandardItemUI
- class SubcategoryChangedMessage
- struct UnkItemFrameMessage
- struct UnkItemFrameMessage_
- class UnkPageArrowsUI
namespace Pollinator
- struct cAchievementDefinition
- class cAchievementsManager Manages the achievements of the game.
- class cAssetMetadata The class representation of
files, which represent the metadata (name, author, time created,...) of a creation. -
class cSPAchievementSerializer
- struct CrossGameData
namespace RenderWare The representation of
models/textures/materials.- struct Animations
- struct AnimationSkin A structure that contains the bind pose transformations of all bones.
- struct AnimChannel A channel is the group of keyframes that modify a bone.
- struct cMDBoneTransform
- struct CompiledState This structure contains properties that tells the renderer how to draw a certain object.
- struct IndexBuffer A buffer that contains all the indices (so triangles) data.
- class IRwResource
- struct KeyframeAnim A structure that represents an animation made of multiple keyframes.
union KeyframeData
- struct _LocRotScale
- struct Mesh A structure that represents a basic mesh, made up of vertices and triangles.
- struct Mesh_
- struct MeshCompiledStateLink This structure links one or more compiled states (that is, materials) to a mesh.
- struct MeshCompiledStateLink_
- struct MorphHandle
- struct Raster Low-level representation of a game texture.
- class RenderWareFile
- struct RWHeader A structure that represents the general information contained in the header of a rw4 file.
- struct RWObjectQuery
- struct RWSectionInfo A structure that contains the information of a section of data in a rw4 file.
- struct Skeleton This structure represents an Skeleton, that is, a hierarchy of bones.
- struct SkeletonsInK
- struct SkinMatrixBuffer A structure that contains the final animation transformations of all bones.
- struct SkinsInK A structure needed to get animations working.
- struct SkinTransform
- struct TextureSlot Structure used to configure textures in a CompiledState.
- struct VertexBuffer A buffer that contains all the vertices data.
- struct VertexDescription A vertex declaration defines the vertex buffer layout and programs the tessellation engine.
- struct VertexDescriptionBase
- struct VertexElement Defines the vertex data layout. Each vertex can contain one or more data types, and each data type is described by a vertex element.
namespace Resource The system for accessing file resources stored in .package files.
- namespace Paths
- class CachedResourceObject
- class cIReleaseCallback
- class cResourceManager The implementation of IResourceManager; this should only be used for extending and detouring.
- class Database
class DatabaseDirectoryFiles
- struct DDFRecordListData
- class DatabasePackedFile A DatabasePackedFile is a type of file used in Spore to store and index multiple files inside a single container (usually in the .package extension).
- class FakeRecord
- class IAsyncRequest
- class ICache An interface that is used to cache loaded resources for fast access.
- class IKeyFilter A generic interface used to filter ResourceKey objects.
- class IRecord Represents a file in a Database; records are identified by a ResourceKey (which specifies group, instance and type IDs), and have an underlying IO::
IStream that is used to read/write data. - class IResourceFactory An interface that can be used to create resources of certain types.
- class IResourceManager IResourceManager is a singleton class used to access resources in Spore's file system.
struct PFHoleTable
- struct HoleRecord
- class PFIndexModifiable This class stores the metadata of all the files contained in a DBPF file.
- class PFRecordBase Base implementation for records in a
file (DatabasePackedFile). - class PFRecordRead This class is used to read the data of a file contained inside a DBPF.
- class PFRecordWrite This class is used to write data to a file contained inside a DBPF.
- struct RecordInfo A structure that contains the metadata of a file stored in a database, such as the offset in the package file and the size.
- class ResourceObject A type of object that is used as a resource.
- class StandardFileFilter The standard file filter which filters resources depending on the ResourceKey.
- class ThreadedObject
namespace Simulator
namespace AI
- struct cAgentOrder
- struct cBehavior
- class cBehaviorTreeData
- struct cDecider
struct unk_behavior_state
- struct unk
namespace Cell Cell stage functionality.
- class cAdvectResource
- struct cCellAnimDefinition
struct cCellBackgroundMapResource
- struct cBackgroundMapEntry
struct cCellCellResource
- struct cAIData
- struct cEatData
- struct cLocalizedString
- struct cCellDataReference
- struct cCellDataReference_
struct cCellEffectMapResource
- struct cEffectMapEntry
- class cCellGame
class cCellGFX
- struct CellGFXObjectData The graphical representation of a cell object: its model, animated creature, etc.
- struct EffectInstance
- struct cCellGlobalsResource
struct cCellLookAlgorithmResource
- struct cLookAlgorithmEntry
struct cCellLookTableResource
- struct cLookTableEntry
struct cCellLootTableResource
- struct cLootTableEntry
- struct cCellMission
- struct cCellObjectData
struct cCellPopulateResource
- struct cMarker
- struct cCellPowersResource
- struct cCellQueryEntry
- struct cCellQueryLinkedPool Class used to quickly query cell positions.
- struct cCellQueryLinkedPoolData
struct cCellRandomCreatureResource
- struct cRandomCreatureEntry
- class cCellResource
- struct cCellScaleInfo
- class cCellSerializableData
struct cCellStructureResource
- struct cSPAttachment
- class cCellUI
- struct cCellUIRollover
struct cCellWorldResource
- struct cAdvectEntry
- struct cLevelEntry
- struct CellSerializer
- struct CellSerializerField
- namespace ScenarioInputStrategy
namespace SerializationTypes
namespace SerializationTypes
- struct SerializedType<ColorRGB>
- struct SerializedType<ColorRGBA>
- struct SerializedType
- struct SerializedType<bool>
- struct SerializedType<eastl::hash_map<Key, Value>>
- struct SerializedType<eastl::hash_set<T>>
- struct SerializedType<eastl::intrusive_ptr<T>>
- struct SerializedType<eastl::map<Key, Value>>
- struct SerializedType<eastl::set<T>>
- struct SerializedType<eastl::string>
- struct SerializedType<eastl::string16>
- struct SerializedType<eastl::vector<T>>
- struct SerializedType<float>
- struct SerializedType<int>
- struct SerializedType<ResourceKey>
- struct SerializedType<uint32_t>
namespace SerializationTypes
- namespace SpaceInputStrategy
namespace SubSystem
- class cLivingUniverse
- namespace WASDInputStrategy
- struct Attribute
- class cAbductToolStrategy
- class cAbilityState
struct cAbilityUIMap
- struct Entry
- class cAnimalCargoInfo
- class cAnimalSpeciesManager
- class cArtilleryProjectile
- class cArtilleryWeaponStrategy
- class cBadgeManager
- class cBaseDisplayStrategy
- class cBaseSimulatorInputStrategy
- class cBehaviorAgent
- class cBehaviorBase
class cBehaviorEntry
- struct BehaviorTarget
- class cBehaviorList
class cBuilding Base class for all buildings in Simulator game modes.
- struct _Unknown1
- class cBuildingCityHall
- struct cBuildingData
- class cBuildingEntertainment
- class cBuildingHouse
- class cBuildingIndustry
- class cBuildingScenario
- class cBundleManager
- class cCelestialBody Represents celestial bodies in a solar system (except planets), that is, the star and the comets.
- class cCinematicManager
- class cCity
- struct cCityData
- struct cCityPartner
- class cCityTerritory
- class cCityWalls
- struct cCivData
- class cCivilization
- struct cCollectableItemID
class cCollectableItems
- struct UnlockableItem
- class cCombatant Any object that has hit points and can combat other units.
- class cCombatSimulator
- class cCommandParameterSet
- class cCommEvent
- class cCommManager
- class cCommodityNode Represents a spice geyser in civilization stage, maybe it is also used elsewhere.
- struct cCommodityNodeData
- class cCommunity The following attributes are saved:
- struct cCommunityLayout Also used by Tribe, related with city layout.
- class cConversation
- class cCreatureAbility
- class cCreatureAnimal
- class cCreatureBase The base class for all creatures in the Simulator.
- class cCreatureCitizen
- class cCreatureDisplayStrategy
- class cCreatureGameData
- class cCreatureItem
- class cCropCirclesToolStrategy
- class cCulturalProjectile
- class cCulturalTarget
- class cCultureSet Contains the IDs of all the creation types of a specific "culture" or civilization/empire.
- class cDeepSpaceProjectile
- class cDeepSpaceProjectileToolStrategy
- class cDefaultAoEArea
- class cDefaultAoETool
- class cDefaultBeamProjectile
- class cDefaultBeamTool
- class cDefaultProjectileWeapon
- class cDefaultToolProjectile
- class cDragInputProjectileToolStrategy
- class cDropCargoToolStrategy
- class cEgg Default model is
, defaultmMaterialType
is 5. -
class cEllipticalOrbit Settings of the orbit of a planet or celestial body in a solar system.
- struct OrbitCache
- class cEmpire An empire in Space Stage.
- struct cEmptyBubble
- class cEnergyRepairToolStrategy
- class cFeedbackEvent
- struct cFishHotSpot
- struct cFishHotSpotUnk
- class cFlakProjectile
- class cGameBehaviorManager
- class cGameBundle
- class cGameBundleContainer
- class cGameData Base class for most Simulator objects.
- class cGameDataUFO
class cGameInputManager
- struct InputUnknown
- struct InputUnknown2
class cGameModeManager
- struct DifficultyTuning
- class cGameNounManager The class that manages game objects, known in Spore code as 'nouns'.
- class cGamePersistenceManager
- class cGamePlant
- class cGamePlantManager
- class cGameplayMarker
- class cGameTerrainCursor
class cGameTimeManager This class controls game time speed and pauses.
- struct PauseType
- class cGameViewManager
- class cGenesisDeviceToolStrategy
- class cGetOutOfUFOToolStrategy
- class cGlobalMindEraseToolStrategy
- class cGonzagoSimulator
- class cGonzagoTimer A class for measuring time inside Simulator modes.
- class cHerd
- class cHitSphere
- class cICBM
- class cIdentityColorable A Simulator class inherited by all those classes that can have an identity color, such as empires, tribes, etc.
- class CinematicAction
- class CinematicActionUnkBase
- class CinematicVignetteActionData
- class cInteractableObject
- class cInteractiveOrnament Static objects in a planet that the player can interact with, such as pickable objects, skeletons in creature stage,...
- class cInterCityRoad
- struct cLaneInfo
struct ClassSerializer
- struct AttributePointer
- struct cLayoutSlot
- struct cLocomotionRequest
- class cLocomotiveObject
- class cLocomotiveObject_superclass
- class cMessageCommandDispatcher
- class cMindEraseToolStrategy
- class cMission Base class for all missions, this class cannot be instantiated.
- class cMissionManager This class manages all the missions of a player in space stage.
- class cMovableDestructibleOrnament
- class cNest
- class cNPCStore
- class cNpcTribeController
- struct CnvAction
- struct CnvAnimation
- struct CnvAnimationVariation
- struct CnvDialog
- struct CnvDialogResponse
- struct CnvEventLog
- struct CnvText
- struct CnvUnknown
- class cObjectInstanceInventoryItem
- class cObjectPool
class cObjectPool_ Stores a pool of objects whose memory can be reused efficiently, without need for heap allocations.
- struct Iterator
- struct cObjectPoolClass Base class for all objects that are used inside a cObjectPool.
- class cObstacle
- class cObstacleManager
- class CombatantKilledMessage Called when a cCombatant is killed.
- class ConversationResource
- class cOrnament Used, among other things, for adventure objects (except pickable ones)
- struct cOrnamentData
- class cPlaceableStructure A structure that can be placed into a community slot, like buildings, turrets, ornaments and tribe tools.
- class cPlaceColonyToolStrategy
- class cPlaceObjectToolStrategy
- class cPlanet Visual representation of a planet (or asteroids).
- class cPlanetaryArtifact
- struct cPlanetClue
- class cPlanetGfx
- class cPlanetModel
- struct cPlanetObjectData
- class cPlanetRecord Keeps all the information related to a planet.
- class cPlantCargoInfo
- class cPlantSpeciesManager
- class cPlayer
- class cPlayerInventory
- class cProjectile
- class cRaidEvent The kind of mission for raid events.
- class cRaidPlunderEvent The kind of mission for pirate raid events.
- class cRallyCallToolStrategy
- class CreatureGamePartUnlocking
- class cRelationshipData
- class cRelationshipManager Handles relationships between political entities.
- class cRepairAOEToolStrategy
- class cRepairToolStrategy
- class cResourceProjectile Projectile used in civilization stage to capture spice geysers. Might be used for other things too.
- class cSavedGameHeader
- class cScanToolStrategy
- class cScenarioAct
- class cScenarioAsset
- class cScenarioClass
- class cScenarioClassAct
- class cScenarioData
- class cScenarioDataEconomy
- class cScenarioDataHistoryEntry Undo/redo history entry for scenario data actions (anything related with objects, creatures, etc), that is, changes to the cScenarioResource.
- class cScenarioDialog
- class cScenarioEditHistory Class that manages the undo/redo history of the adventure editor.
- class cScenarioEditModeDisplayStrategy
- class cScenarioGoal
- class cScenarioMarker
- class cScenarioMarkerAct
- class cScenarioPlayMode
- class cScenarioPlayModeGoal
- struct cScenarioPlaySummary
- class cScenarioPosseMember
- class cScenarioPowerup
- class cScenarioResource
- class cScenarioSimulator
- class cScenarioString
- class cScenarioTerraformEconomy
- class cScenarioTerraformHistoryEntry Undo/redo history entry for terraform (or planet color, etc) actions.
- class cScenarioTerraformMode
- class cShipBackgroundData
class cSimPlanetHighLOD
- struct UnkClass
- class cSimTicker
- class cSimulatorPlayerUFO
- class cSimulatorSpaceGame
- class cSimulatorSystem
class cSimulatorUniverse Universe Event Simulator.
- class IUniverseRoutine
- class cSolarHitSphere
- class cSolarSystem Holds visual information about a solar system in the solar system view, or when inside a planet.
- class cSpaceDefenseMissile
- class cSpaceGfx
- class cSpaceInventory
- class cSpaceInventoryItem Represents an item of the space player inventory. This include space tools and cargo.
- class cSpaceNames Class to generate names (for creatures, planets, etc.), for example:
auto name = SpaceNames.GenerateRandomName(Simulator::SpaceNamesType::kPlanet);
- class cSpacePlayerWarData
- class cSpaceToolData
- class cSpaceTradeRouteManager
class cSpaceTrading Singleton class for everything related to space stage trading, such as obtaining tradable items or generating NPC stores.
- struct RareGroup
- class cSpatialObject A 3D model in the Simulator.
- class cSpatialObjectView
- class cSpear
- class cSpeciesManager
class cSpeciesProfile
- struct UnkStruct
- class cStar
- struct cStarClue
- class cStarManager This class controls most stuff related with the galaxy, stars, planets and empires.
- class cStarRecord Keeps all the information related to a star and all the elements in its solar system.
- class cStrategy
- class cStringCommandGenerator
- class cTerraformingManager
- class cTimeOfDay Class used to manage day duration and current time of day in planets.
- class cToggleToolStrategy
- class cToolManager
- class cToolObject
- class cToolStrategy
- class cTotemPole The totem pole of a tribe. Default model is
, defaultmMaterialType
is 2. - class cTradeRouteData
- class cTribe A tribe from the tribe stage.
- struct cTribeArchetype Represents a type of tribe, with its configuration stored in folder
. - struct cTribeData
- class cTribeFoodMat The food mat of a tribe. Default model is
, defaultmMaterialType
is 2. - class cTribeHut
- class cTribeInputStrategy
- struct cTribePlan
- class cTribePlanner
- struct cTribePlanProperties Read from a
file in folderTribePlans
- class cTribeTool
- class cTribeToolData
- class cTurret
- class cTurretDefenseMissileWeapon
- class cTurretFlakWeapon
- class cUIAssetDiscoveryManager
- class cUIEventLog This class manages event logs in Simulator game modes.
- class cVehicle
- struct cVehicleData
- class cVisiblePlanet
- struct cWallData
- class DoCinematicActionMessage Sent to execute a single action within a cinematic stage.
- class EnterEditorMessage
- class EnterModeMessage
- struct GameLoadParameters
- class GameNounStatusChangedMessage
- class GoalCard
- class ICityMusic
- class IGameDataView
- class IMessageParameters
- class IScenarioEditHistoryEntry A generic entry of undo/redo history in the adventure editor.
- class ISerializerReadStream
- class ISerializerStream
- class ISerializerWriteStream
- class ISimulatorSerializable
- class ISimulatorSerializableRefCounted
- class ISimulatorStrategy
- class ISimulatorUIGraphic
- struct MissionManagerTimerEntry
- class MissionUpdateMessage Called every update of a mission, only if the mission is ongoing.
- class NounCreateMap
- struct PlanetID 32 bits field that uniquely identifies a planet in the galaxy.
- class PlayerEmpireAlliedMessage Called when the player empire makes a new alliance.
- class PlayerEmpireLostAllianceMessage Called when the player empire loses an alliance.
- class PlayerPlanetData
- class ScenarioCreatureHealedMessage Called when a creature is healed (either by natural heal rate, or using a medkit) in Scenario mode.
- class ScenarioEnergyConsumedMessage Called when the player captain consumes energy in Scenario mode.
- class ScheduledTaskListener A message listener that, listening to Update messages, executes the given task after a certain time has passed and (optionally) repetaing it periodically.
- class SpacePlayerData
- class SpaceRareFoundMessage Sent when a rare item is found (even if it had already been found before) in Space Stage.
- class Sporepedia
- struct StarID 32 bits field used to uniquely identify a star within the galaxy.
- struct StarRequestFilter
- struct tCultureTargetInfo
- struct tDeferredEvent
- class tGameDataVectorT
- struct tGrobShockData
- class ToolOnHitMessage Called when a space tool hits a target. Called by cToolStrategy::
OnHit. - struct tPlayerDeathData
- struct UIStateMachine
- struct UIStateMachineTransition
- struct UnkHashtableItem
- struct UnkMissionManagerStruct
- class UnknownCreatureClass
- class UnknownManagerSuperclass
- class UnkRefCounted
- class XmlSerializer
namespace AI
namespace Skinner
class cPaintSystem
- struct SkinpaintEffectSeed
- class cSkinnerTexturePainter
- class cSkinPainter
- class cSkinPainterJob Base class for tasks executed in the process of generating a skinpaint texture.
- class cSkinPainterJobAmbientOcclusion
- class cSkinPainterJobApplyBrushes
- class cSkinPainterJobBumpToNormal Transforms a bump map in skinner texture 0 into a normal map in skinner texture 2.
- class cSkinPainterJobColorDilateRepeat
- class cSkinPainterJobCopyRigblocksTintMaskAlpha Copies the alpha channel of all rigblocks tint mask texture into the alpha channel texture 0.
- class cSkinPainterJobCopyTex1AlphaToTex0 Copies the alpha channel of skinner texture 1 into the alpha channel of skinner texture 0.
- class cSkinPainterJobExtractTexture
- class cSkinPainterJobPaintParts Applies the diffuse, bumpSpec and tintMask maps of all rigblocks.
- class cSkinPainterPipeline
- struct cSkinpaintInfo
- struct Unk
class cPaintSystem
namespace Sporepedia
namespace OTDB
- namespace Parameters
- class cObjectTemplateDB
- class ISummarizer
- struct Parameter
- class ParameterResource
- struct QueryParameter
- struct AssetBrowserQuery
- class cAssetViewManager
- class class_B8
- class cSPAssetDataOTDB
- class cSPSpaceAssetDataOTDB
- class IAssetData
- class IMultiShopperListener Extend this class to know when the user accepts a multi-selection Sporepedia shopper request.
- class IShopperListener Extend this class to know when the user accepts an Sporepedia shopper request.
- struct ShopperRequest A class used to show the Sporepedia to the user, asking him to select a creation.
namespace OTDB
namespace Swarm Swarm is the effects system in Spore
namespace Components
- struct Attractor
struct DistributeEffectMessageData
- struct DistributedObject
- class ParticleEffect
- struct PathPoint
- struct RandomWalk
class VisualEffectBlock
- struct LODScale
- class Wiggle
- class cCameraDescription
- class cCameraEffect
- class cComponentBase
- class cDescription
- class cDistributeDescription
- class cDistributeEffect
- struct cEffectInfo
- class cEffectMapBase
- class cEffectsManager
- class cEffectsWorld
- class cGlobalParams
- class CollectionResource A Resource object used to retrieve an effect collection (that is, an EffectDirectory, .effdir file).
- class cSkinpaintDistributeDescription
- class cSkinpaintDistributeEffect
class cSkinpaintParticleDescription
- struct Data
- struct Variable
- struct VarModifier
- class cSkinpaintParticleEffect
- class cSkinpaintSettingsDescription
- class cSkinpaintSettingsEffect
- struct cSurfaceInfo
- struct cSurfaceRec
- class cTextureSlot
- class cVisualEffect
- struct cVisualEffectDescription
- class EffectDirectory An EffectDirectory is a file that contains one or multiple effect declarations.
- class ICameraManager
- class IComponent
- class IEffectDirectory
- class IEffectMap Effect maps are one of the way effects can react to environment information from the game.
- class IEffectsManager This class is the main manager of the Swarm effects system.
- class IEffectsWorld An effects world is a space in the game which contains effects.
- class IModelParticleStreamer
- class ISurface
- class ITextureParticleStreamer
- class IVisualEffect An instance of an effect in the game.
namespace Components
namespace Terrain Everything related with the planet terrain system.
- namespace Sphere
- class cTerrainMap
- class cTerrainMap16
- class cTerrainMap32
class cTerrainMapSet
- struct cHeightRanges
- class cTerrainShaderMgr
class cTerrainSphere
- struct TerrainModification
- class TextureContainer
- class cTerrainSphereQuad
- struct cTerrainSphereRenderingChunk
struct cTerrainStateMgr
- struct TerrainMaterial
- struct TerrainTextures
class cWeatherManager
- struct PropertyContainer
- class ITerrain
- class ITerrainResourceManager
- struct TerrainLighting
- struct TerrainQuadMesh
- struct TerrainState
- struct TerrainTransform
- class UnkWeatherManager
- namespace TypeIDs Contains the ID of some important file types.
namespace UI
- namespace GameSettings
class AssetBrowserAssetGridUI
- struct Entry
- class AssetDiscoveryCard
- class cHintManager
- class CivCommCursorAttachment Class that controls the rollover that shows the relations with another civilization.
- class cLayerManager
- class cSPAssetView
- class cSPUILayeredObject
- class cSPUITextZoom
- class cUINewProgressBar
- class CursorAttachment Used to create mouse rollovers (like "tooltips").
- class EditorNamePanel
- class GlobalUI
- class GlobalUIUnkBase1
- class GlobalUIUnkBase2
- class IHintConditioner
- class ITokenTranslator
- class Minimap
- class ScrollFrameVertical
- class SimulatorRollover
class SpaceGameUI User interface for the Space game.
- struct TerraformColors
- struct TerraformEcosystemSlot
- class SpaceToolPanelUI A class that represents one of the panels that contain multiple tools in the space tool palette.
- class TiledScrollPanel
namespace UTFWin The user interface system.
- namespace BasicCursorIDs The cursor IDs that are always available.
- class BehaviourTimeOscillator
- class BehaviourTimeRamp
- class BehaviourTimeSmoothRamp
- class BiStateEffect
- class ButtonDrawableRadio The standard IDrawable for a standard, simple radio or checkbox button component.
- class ButtonDrawableStandard The standard IDrawable for a standard, simple button component.
- class CascadeEffect
- class cCursorManager
- class ChildrenIterator
- class ComboBoxDrawable The standard IDrawable for a combo box component.
- struct ComponentSerialization A structure that defines how a class is stored in an SPUI.
- class cSPUIMessageBox
- class DefaultDrawable A class that implements all the methods of an IDrawable.
- class DefaultLayoutElement A default implementation of ILayoutElement.
- class DefaultWinProc A helper class to simplify the creation of window procedures (IWinProc).
- class DialogDrawable The standard IDrawable for a dialog component.
- class Effect
- class EventPropertyObject
- class EventTimeFunctionBase
- class FadeEffect
- class FrameDrawable FrameDrawable is a procedural drawable that renders multiple frame styles depending on the current state.
- struct FrameStyle
- class GlideEffect
- class Graphics2D A class that can be used to draw things in the user interface.
- class IBiStateEffect
- class IButton An interface that declares all the functions needed by a button component.
- class IButtonDrawable This class is a type of UTFWin::
IDrawable capable of rendering an UTFWin:: IButton. - class ICascadeEffect
- class IComboBox
- class IComboBoxDrawable An abstract class that has the methods that a drawable for a combo box would require.
- class IDialog
- class IDialogDrawable An abstract class that has the methods that a drawable for a dialog would require.
- class IDrawable A class that is capable of drawing a user interface component.
- class IEventTimeFunction
- class IGlideEffect
- class IImageDrawable An abstract class that has the methods that a drawable that renders an image would require.
- class IInflateEffect
- class ILayoutElement This class represents an element that is part of a user interfaces.
- class ILayoutStyle This class represents an object that can apply a certain layout to a given Rectangle area.
- class Image A layout element that represents an image.
- class ImageDrawable A standard IDrawable that renders an image.
- class IModulateEffect
- class InflateEffect
- class InteractiveWindow
- class InteractiveWinProc
- class IPerspectiveEffect
- class IRotateEffect
- class IScrollbarDrawable An abstract class that has the methods that a drawable for a scrollbar would require.
- class ISlider
- class ISliderDrawable An abstract class that has the methods that a drawable for a slider would require.
- class ISpinnerDrawable An abstract class that has the methods that a drawable for a spinner would require.
- class IStdDrawable An abstract class that has the methods that a standard drawable would require.
- class IText
- class ITextEdit
- class ITreeNode
- class ITreeView
- class IWindow An interface that represents a component in the user interface.
- class IWindowManager
- class IWinProc This class is a window procedure, also known as an event/message listener.
- class LambdaFilterProc
- class LambdaProc
- class LayoutObjectsContainer
- class LayoutReader
- class Message
- class MessageBoxCallback
- class ModulateEffect
- class OutlineFormat
- class PerspectiveEffect
- class ProcIterator
- struct PropertyMethods Structure used to define access methods for special property types.
- class ProportionalLayout
- struct RenderParams A structure used to represent various parameters for the IDrawable::
Paint() method, like which image to draw, the current state of the window, etc. - class RotateEffect
- class ScrollbarDrawable The standard IDrawable for a scrollbar component.
- class SerializationService
- struct SerializedProperty Defines how a member of a class is stored in an SPUI.
- struct Serializer A structure that defines how an object must be read in an SPUI.
- class SimpleLayout
- class SliderDrawable The standard IDrawable for a slider component.
- class SpinnerDrawable The standard IDrawable for a spinner component.
- class SporeAnimatedIconWin
- class SporeStdDrawable
- class SporeStdDrawableImageInfo A structure that represents an state of a SporeStdDrawable.
- class SporeTooltipWinProc
- class StdDrawable The standard IDrawable for user interactive components.
- struct StructSerialization
- struct TextChange This struct is used in kMsgTextChanged messages to represent the text in a ITextEdit.
- class TreeNode
- class UILayout An object used to load and contain user interfaces.
- class UILayoutObjects
- class UIRenderer
- class UTFWinObject
- class VariableWidthDrawable A drawable that completely fills the window of variable width with a graphic without a horizontal stretch.
class Window
- struct UnkMatrix4
- struct Window_intrusive_list_node
- class WindowChildren
- class WindowProcedures
class WinTreeView
- class Scrollbar
- class BasicLockRefCounted
- class Clock A class used for measuring time.
- class ColorListener
- class CoreAllocatorAdapter CoreAllocatorAdapter.
- class CoreDeleterAdapter EASTLICoreDeleter.
- class DefaultObject A default implementation of the Object class.
- class DefaultRefCounted The default implementation of a reference counted class.
- class FixedPoolAllocator
- struct GameInput This structure keeps track of all the input in the game, such as keys pressed/released, the mouse position, etc.
- class GasTestCheat
struct GeneralAllocator
- struct allocator_mutex
- struct Chunk
- struct SkipListChunk
- class ICoreAllocator ICoreAllocator is the base level abstract interface for allocating and deallocating memory.
- class IVirtual A default interface that provides a virtual destructor, it should only be used internally.
- union KeyModifiers
- class LocalizedString This class is used to store a eastl::string16 that is localized; that is, it depends on the current language of the game.
- class member_detour_
- struct member_detour_<DetourClass, BaseClass, VirtualClass, Result(Arguments...)>
- union MouseState
- class MultithreadObject
class Mutex
- struct MutexInfo
- class Object This class represents a basic reference counted object.
- class RefCountTemplate
- class RefCountTemplateAtomic
- class ResourceID Class similar to ResourceKey, but this one is only formed up by an instanceID and a groupID.
- struct ResourceKey A structure used to point a resource in the game, made by three IDs: instance, group and type.
- class static_detour_
- struct static_detour_<DetourClass, Result(Parameters...)> The object used for detouring static functions.
- class Transform A class that represents a 3D transformation; it can store the same information as a 4x4 matrix, but it's easier to use.