Graphics::Model class

Derived classes

class cMWModelInternal

Public functions

auto AddRef() -> int
auto Release() -> int
auto GetTransform() const -> Transform
auto SetTransform(const Transform& transform) -> void
auto GetModelWorld() const -> IModelWorld*
auto GetPropList() const -> App::PropertyList*
auto GetColor() const -> Math::ColorRGBA
auto SetColor(const Math::ColorRGBA& color) -> void
auto IsVisible() const -> bool
auto UsesColorAsIdentity() const -> bool
auto SetUseColorAsIdentity(bool state) -> void
auto AddGroup(uint32_t groupID) -> void
Assigns the required flags to this model depending on the groupID specified.
auto RemoveGroup(uint32_t groupID) -> void
auto HasGroup(uint32_t groupID) const -> bool
auto GetOwner() const -> Object*
auto SetOwner(Object* object) -> void

Public variables

IModelWorld* mpWorld
int mFlags
Transform mTransform
int mnRefCount
int mGroupFlags
Math::ColorRGBA mColor
bool field_5C
CollisionMode mCollisionMode
int field_60
ObjectPtr mpOwner
int16_t field_68
float mDefaultBoundingRadius
Math::BoundingBox mDefaultBBox
float field_88
float field_8C
PropertyListPtr mpPropList

Function documentation

void Graphics::Model::AddGroup(uint32_t groupID)

Assigns the required flags to this model depending on the groupID specified.

groupID The ID of the model group, in the ModelGroups enum.