- dir Documentation
dir Spore ModAPI
dir Spore
dir Anim
- file anim_cid.h
- file anim_csd.h
- file AnimatedCreature.h
- file cAnimManagerImpl.h
- file cAnimWorld.h
- file CreatureBlock.h
- file IAnimManager.h
- file IAnimWorld.h
- file SPAnimation.h
- file TLSA.h
dir App
- file AppData.h
- file Canvas.h
- file cAppSystem.h
- file cArithmeticaResource.h
- file cCameraManager.h
- file cCellModeStrategy.h
- file cCheatManager.h
- file cCreatureModeStrategy.h
- file cGameModeManager.h
- file cJob.h
- file cLocaleManager.h
- file cMessageManager.h
- file cMouseCamera.h
- file CommandLine.h
- file ConfigManager.h
- file cPropManager.h
- file cSporeApp.h
- file cStringDetokenizer.h
- file cViewer.h
- file DefaultCamera.h
- file DefaultGameMode.h
- file DirectPropertyList.h
- file FileDrop.h
- file GameSpace.h
- file ICamera.h
- file ICameraManager.h
- file ICheatManager.h
- file IClassManager.h
- file IDGenerator.h
- file IGameMode.h
- file IGameModeManager.h
- file IMessageListener.h
- file IMessageManager.h
- file IMessageRC.h
- file IPropManager.h
- file IStateManager.h
- file ITokenTranslator.h
- file JobManager.h
- file MessageListenerData.h
- file Property.h
- file PropertyList.h
- file ScenarioMode.h
- file SPPropertyIDs.h
- file StandardMessage.h
- file Thumbnail_cImportExport.h
dir ArgScript
- file ASDeclarations.h
- file FormatParser.h
- file IBlock.h
- file ICommand.h
- file IFunction.h
- file IParser.h
- file ISpecialBlock.h
- file LambdaParser.h
- file Lexer.h
- file Line.h
dir Audio
- file AudioSystem.h
dir Editors
- file BakeManager.h
- file cCreatureDataResource.h
- file cEditorAnimEvent.h
- file cEditorAnimWorld.h
- file cEditorResource.h
- file cEditorResourceProperties.h
- file cEditorSkin.h
- file cEditorSkinMesh.h
- file ContentValidation.h
- file Editor.h
- file EditorAnimations.h
- file EditorBaseHandle.h
- file EditorCamera.h
- file EditorCreatureController.h
- file EditorLimits.h
- file EditorMessages.h
- file EditorModel.h
- file EditorPlayMode.h
- file EditorRequest.h
- file EditorRigblock.h
- file EditorUI.h
- file INameableEntity.h
- file IPlayModeModule.h
- file PlayAnimButton.h
- file PlayAnimPanel.h
- file PlayModeActor.h
- file PlayModeAnimations.h
- file PlayModeBackgrounds.h
- file PlayModeUI.h
- file SpeciesManager.h
- file TuningSpine.h
- file VerbIconData.h
dir GalaxyGameEntry
- file GlobalGGEUI.h
dir GameCiv
- file GameCiv.h
- file Messages.h
dir Graphics
- file ActiveState.h
- file BufferDraw.h
- file cFrustumCull.h
- file cImageDataRaw.h
- file cLayerGroup.h
- file cLightingConfig.h
- file cMaterialInfo.h
- file cMaterialManager.h
- file cMeshData.h
- file cMITextureSet.h
- file cModelInstance.h
- file cModelInstanceAnimations.h
- file cModelManager.h
- file cModelWorld.h
- file CompiledShader.h
- file cRenderManager.h
- file cRenderTargetManager.h
- file cRwDirectResource.h
- file cTextureManager.h
- file GeneratedMesh.h
- file GlobalState.h
- file GmdlRenderAsset.h
- file IAmbientOccluder.h
- file IGraphicsManager.h
- file ILayer.h
- file ILightingManager.h
- file ILightingWorld.h
- file IMaterialManager.h
- file IModelManager.h
- file IModelWorld.h
- file IRenderer.h
- file IRenderTargetManager.h
- file IShadowWorld.h
- file ITextureManager.h
- file IThumbnailManager.h
- file LambdaLayer.h
- file LayerSequence.h
- file Light.h
- file MaterialShader.h
- file Model.h
- file RawImage.h
- file RenderStatistics.h
- file RenderUtils.h
- file ShaderBuilder.h
- file ShaderData.h
- file ShaderDataUniform.h
- file StandardShader.h
- file Texture.h
dir IO
- file Allocator.h
- file Constants.h
- file EAIOZoneObject.h
- file FileStream.h
- file IStream.h
- file StreamAdapter.h
- file StreamBuffer.h
- file StreamChild.h
- file StreamFixedMemory.h
- file StreamMemory.h
- file StreamNull.h
- file XmlWriter.h
dir Palettes
- file AdvancedItemViewer.h
- file ColorPickerUI.h
- file ColorSwatchUI.h
- file cSPScenarioBrushItemUI.h
- file IItemFrameUI.h
- file ItemViewer.h
- file OutfitterItemUI.h
- file PaletteCategory.h
- file PaletteCategoryUI.h
- file PaletteInfo.h
- file PaletteItem.h
- file PaletteIterator.h
- file PaletteMain.h
- file PalettePage.h
- file PalettePageUI.h
- file PaletteSubcategoriesUI.h
- file PaletteUI.h
- file StandardItemUI.h
- file SwatchManager.h
dir Pollinator
- file AchievementsManager.h
- file cAssetMetadata.h
- file cSPAchievementSerializer.h
dir RenderWare
- file Animations.h
- file AnimationSkin.h
- file CompiledState.h
- file IndexBuffer.h
- file IRwResource.h
- file KeyframeAnim.h
- file KeyframeData.h
- file Mesh.h
- file MeshCompiledStateLink.h
- file MorphHandle.h
- file Raster.h
- file RenderWareFile.h
- file RWHeader.h
- file RWMath.h
- file RWSectionInfo.h
- file Skeleton.h
- file SkeletonsInK.h
- file SkinMatrixBuffer.h
- file SkinsInK.h
- file VertexBuffer.h
- file VertexDescription.h
dir Resource
- file cResourceManager.h
- file Database.h
- file DatabaseDirectoryFiles.h
- file DatabasePackedFile.h
- file FakeRecord.h
- file ICache.h
- file IKeyFilter.h
- file IRecord.h
- file IResourceFactory.h
- file IResourceManager.h
- file Paths.h
- file PFIndexModifiable.h
- file PFRecordBase.h
- file PFRecordRead.h
- file PFRecordWrite.h
- file RecordInfo.h
- file ResourceObject.h
- file ThreadedObject.h
dir Simulator
dir AI
- file cBehaviorTreeData.h
dir Cell
- file cCellGame.h
- file cCellGFX.h
- file cCellObjectData.h
- file cCellQueryLinkedPool.h
- file cCellResource.h
- file cCellScaleInfo.h
- file cCellSerialiazibleData.h
- file cCellUI.h
- file CellAnimations.h
- file CellFunctions.h
dir SubSystem
- file SpeciesManager.h
- file AnimalSpeciesManager.h
- file BundleManager.h
- file CinematicManager.h
- file cLivingUniverse.h
- file CommManager.h
- file cRelationshipManager.h
- file cSavedGameHeader.h
- file cStrategy.h
- file GameBehaviorManager.h
- file GameInputManager.h
- file GameModeManager.h
- file GameNounManager.h
- file GamePersistenceManager.h
- file GamePlantManager.h
- file GameTimeManager.h
- file GameViewManager.h
- file GonzagoPhysics.h
- file ISimulatorUIGraphic.h
- file ObstacleManager.h
- file PlanetModel.h
- file PlantSpeciesManager.h
- file SimTicker.h
- file SimulatorSystem.h
- file SpaceGfx.h
- file SpacePlayerData.h
- file SpaceTrading.h
- file StarManager.h
- file TerraformingManager.h
- file ToolManager.h
- file UIAssetDiscoveryManager.h
- file UIEventLog.h
- file cAbductToolStrategy.h
- file cAbilityUIMap.h
- file cAnimalCargoInfo.h
- file cArtilleryProjectile.h
- file cArtilleryWeaponStrategy.h
- file cBadgeManager.h
- file cBaseDisplayStrategy.h
- file cBaseSimulatorInputStrategy.h
- file cBehaviorAgent.h
- file cBehaviorBase.h
- file cBehaviorEntry.h
- file cBehaviorList.h
- file cBuilding.h
- file cBuildingCityHall.h
- file cBuildingEntertainment.h
- file cBuildingHouse.h
- file cBuildingIndustry.h
- file cBuildingScenario.h
- file cCelestialBody.h
- file cCity.h
- file cCityTerritory.h
- file cCityWalls.h
- file cCivilization.h
- file cCollectableItems.h
- file cCombatant.h
- file cCombatSimulator.h
- file cCommEvent.h
- file cCommodityNode.h
- file cCommunity.h
- file cCommunityLayout.h
- file cConversation.h
- file cCreatureAbility.h
- file cCreatureAnimal.h
- file cCreatureBase.h
- file cCreatureCitizen.h
- file cCreatureDisplayStrategy.h
- file cCreatureGameData.h
- file cCropCirclesToolStrategy.h
- file cCulturalProjectile.h
- file cCulturalTarget.h
- file cCultureSet.h
- file cDeepSpaceProjectile.h
- file cDeepSpaceProjectileToolStrategy.h
- file cDefaultAoEArea.h
- file cDefaultAoETool.h
- file cDefaultBeamProjectile.h
- file cDefaultBeamTool.h
- file cDefaultProjectileWeapon.h
- file cDefaultToolProjectile.h
- file cDragInputProjectileToolStrategy.h
- file cDropCargoToolStrategy.h
- file cEgg.h
- file cEllipticalOrbit.h
- file cEmpire.h
- file cEnergyRepairToolStrategy.h
- file cFlakProjectile.h
- file cGameBundleContainer.h
- file cGameData.h
- file cGameDataUFO.h
- file cGamePlant.h
- file cGameplayMarker.h
- file cGameTerrainCursor.h
- file cGenesisDeviceToolStrategy.h
- file cGetOutOfUFOToolStrategy.h
- file cGlobalMindEraseToolStrategy.h
- file cGonzagoSimulator.h
- file cGonzagoTimer.h
- file cHerd.h
- file cHitSphere.h
- file cICBM.h
- file cIdentityColorable.h
- file cInteractableObject.h
- file cInteractiveOrnament.h
- file cInterCityRoad.h
- file cLocomotiveObject.h
- file cMindEraseToolStrategy.h
- file cMission.h
- file cMissionManager.h
- file cMovableDestructibleOrnament.h
- file cNest.h
- file cNpcTribeController.h
- file cObjectInstanceInventoryItem.h
- file cObjectPool.h
- file cObstacle.h
- file ConversationResource.h
- file cOrnament.h
- file cPlaceableStructure.h
- file cPlaceColonyToolStrategy.h
- file cPlaceObjectToolStrategy.h
- file cPlanet.h
- file cPlanetaryArtifact.h
- file cPlanetRecord.h
- file cPlantCargoInfo.h
- file cPlayer.h
- file cPlayerInventory.h
- file cProjectile.h
- file cRaidEvent.h
- file cRaidPlunderEvent.h
- file cRallyCallToolStrategy.h
- file cRepairAOEToolStrategy.h
- file cRepairToolStrategy.h
- file cResourceProjectile.h
- file cScanToolStrategy.h
- file cScenarioAct.h
- file cScenarioAsset.h
- file cScenarioClass.h
- file cScenarioClassAct.h
- file cScenarioData.h
- file cScenarioDialog.h
- file cScenarioEconomy.h
- file cScenarioEditHistory.h
- file cScenarioEditModeDisplayStrategy.h
- file cScenarioGoal.h
- file cScenarioMarker.h
- file cScenarioMarkerAct.h
- file cScenarioPlayMode.h
- file cScenarioPosseMember.h
- file cScenarioPowerup.h
- file cScenarioResource.h
- file cScenarioSimulator.h
- file cScenarioString.h
- file cScenarioTerraformMode.h
- file cShipBackgroundData.h
- file cSimPlanetHighLOD.h
- file cSimPlanetLowLOD.h
- file cSimulatorPlayerUFO.h
- file cSimulatorSpaceGame.h
- file cSimulatorUniverse.h
- file cSolarHitSphere.h
- file cSolarSystem.h
- file cSpaceDefenseMissile.h
- file cSpaceInventory.h
- file cSpaceInventoryItem.h
- file cSpaceNames.h
- file cSpaceToolData.h
- file cSpatialObject.h
- file cSpear.h
- file cSpeciesProfile.h
- file cStar.h
- file cStarRecord.h
- file cTimeOfDay.h
- file cToggleToolStrategy.h
- file cToolObject.h
- file cToolStrategy.h
- file cTotemPole.h
- file cTribe.h
- file cTribeArchetype.h
- file cTribeFoodMat.h
- file cTribeHut.h
- file cTribeInputStrategy.h
- file cTribePlanner.h
- file cTribeTool.h
- file cTribeToolData.h
- file cTurret.h
- file cTurretDefenseMissileWeapon.h
- file cTurretFlakWeapon.h
- file cVehicle.h
- file cVisiblePlanet.h
- file GoalCard.h
- file ICityMusic.h
- file IGameDataView.h
- file ISimulatorSerializable.h
- file NounClassFactories.h
- file ScenarioInputStrategy.h
- file Serialization.h
- file SerializationTypes.h
- file SimulatorBase.h
- file SimulatorEnums.h
- file SimulatorMessages.h
- file SpaceConstants.h
- file SpaceInputStrategy.h
- file Sporepedia.h
- file StarID.h
- file tGameDataVectorT.h
- file UIStateMachine.h
- file UnknownCreatureClass.h
- file WASDInputStrategy.h
dir AI
dir Skinner
- file cPaintSystem.h
- file cSkinnerTexturePainter.h
- file cSkinPainter.h
- file cSkinPainterJob.h
- file cSkinPainterJobAmbientOcclusion.h
- file cSkinPainterJobApplyBrushes.h
- file cSkinPainterJobBumpToNormal.h
- file cSkinPainterJobColorDilateRepeat.h
- file cSkinPainterJobCopyRigblocksTintMaskAlpha.h
- file cSkinPainterJobCopyTex1AlphaToTex0.h
- file cSkinPainterJobExtractTexture.h
- file cSkinPainterJobPaintParts.h
- file cSkinPainterPipeline.h
dir Sporepedia
- file AssetBrowserQuery.h
- file AssetData.h
- file AssetViewManager.h
- file IShopperListener.h
- file ObjectTemplateDB.h
- file OTDBParameters.h
- file ShopperRequest.h
dir Swarm
dir Components
- file Attractor.h
- file cCameraDescription.h
- file cDescription.h
- file cDistributeDescription.h
- file cTextureSlot.h
- file DistributeEffect.h
- file ParticleEffect.h
- file PathPoint.h
- file RandomWalk.h
- file SkinpaintDistributeEffect.h
- file SkinpaintParticleEffect.h
- file SkinpaintSettingsEffect.h
- file VisualEffect.h
- file VisualEffectBlock.h
- file Wiggle.h
- file ICameraManager.h
- file Constants.h
- file cCameraEffect.h
- file cDistributeEffect.h
- file cEffectsManager.h
- file cEffectsWorld.h
- file cGlobalParams.h
- file CollectionResource.h
- file cSurfaceInfo.h
- file cVisualEffect.h
- file EffectDirectory.h
- file IComponent.h
- file IEffectMap.h
- file IEffectsManager.h
- file IEffectsWorld.h
- file ISurface.h
- file IVisualEffect.h
- file ParticleStreamers.h
dir Components
dir Terrain
- file cTerrainMap.h
- file cTerrainMapSet.h
- file cTerrainShaderMgr.h
- file cTerrainSphere.h
- file cTerrainSphereQuad.h
- file cTerrainStateMgr.h
- file cWeatherManager.h
- file ITerrain.h
- file ITerrainResourceManager.h
- file TerrainRendering.h
- file TerrainShaderData.h
dir UI
- file ITokenTranslator.h
- file AssetBrowserAssetGridUI.h
- file AssetDiscoveryCard.h
- file CivCommCursorAttachment.h
- file cSPAssetView.h
- file cSPUILayeredObject.h
- file cSPUITextZoom.h
- file cUINewProgressBar.h
- file CursorAttachment.h
- file EditorNamePanel.h
- file GameSettings.h
- file GlobalUI.h
- file HintManager.h
- file LayerManager.h
- file Minimap.h
- file ScrollFrameVertical.h
- file SimulatorRollovers.h
- file SpaceGameUI.h
- file SpaceToolPanelUI.h
- file TiledScrollPanel.h
dir UTFWin
- file Allocator.h
- file Constants.h
- file Serialization.h
- file BehaviourTimeRamp.h
- file ButtonDrawableRadio.h
- file ButtonDrawableStandard.h
- file CascadeEffect.h
- file ComboBoxDrawable.h
- file cSPUIMessageBox.h
- file CursorManager.h
- file Cursors.h
- file DialogDrawable.h
- file Effect.h
- file EventPropertyObject.h
- file EventTimeFunctionBase.h
- file FadeEffect.h
- file FrameDrawable.h
- file GlideEffect.h
- file Graphics2D.h
- file IButton.h
- file IComboBox.h
- file IDialog.h
- file IDrawable.h
- file ILayoutElement.h
- file ILayoutStyle.h
- file Image.h
- file ImageDrawable.h
- file InflateEffect.h
- file InteractiveWindow.h
- file InteractiveWinProc.h
- file ISlider.h
- file IText.h
- file ITextEdit.h
- file ITreeView.h
- file IWindow.h
- file IWindowManager.h
- file IWinProc.h
- file LayoutReader.h
- file Message.h
- file ModulateEffect.h
- file OutlineFormat.h
- file PerspectiveEffect.h
- file ProportionalLayout.h
- file RotateEffect.h
- file ScrollbarDrawable.h
- file SimpleLayout.h
- file SliderDrawable.h
- file SpinnerDrawable.h
- file SporeAnimatedIconWin.h
- file SporeStdDrawable.h
- file SporeStdDrawableImageInfo.h
- file SporeTooltipWinProc.h
- file StdDrawable.h
- file TreeNode.h
- file UILayout.h
- file UILayoutObjects.h
- file UIRenderer.h
- file UTFWinObject.h
- file VariableWidthDrawable.h
- file WinButton.h
- file WinComboBox.h
- file Window.h
- file WindowIterators.h
- file WinGrid.h
- file WinSlider.h
- file WinTextEdit.h
- file WinTreeView.h
- file ArgScript.h This file has all the includes necessary to work with ArgScript.
- file BasicIncludes.h
- file Cell.h
- file Cheats.h
- file Clock.h
- file CommonIDs.h
- file CoreAllocatorAdapter.h
- file CppRevEng.h
- file CppRevEngBase.h
- file Creations.h
- file Effects.h This file includes all the necessary headers to use the Swarm effect system in Spore.
- file FixedPoolAllocator.h
- file GameModes.h This file contains all the necessary includes for working with game modes and cameras in the game.
- file GeneralAllocator.h
- file Hash.h
- file ICoreAllocator.h
- file Input.h
- file Internal.h
- file IO.h This file includes all the necessary headers in order to work with file input/output.
- file LocalizedString.h
- file MathUtils.h
- file Messaging.h This file includes all the headers necessary for the messaging system in Spore.
- file ModAPI.h
- file Models.h This file includes all the necessary headers for working with models in Spore.
- file Mutex.h
- file Object.h
- file OpenSSL.h
- file Properties.h This file includes all the necessary headers for working with properties and .prop files.
- file ResourceID.h
- file ResourceKey.h
- file Resources.h This file includes all the necessary headers to use the resource system in Spore, which includes accessing .package files.
- file Simulator.h
- file Terrain.h This file includes all the necessary headers for working with the planet terrain in Spore.
- file Transform.h
- file UserInterface.h This file has all the include necessaries to use the user interface system, UTFWin, in Spore.
dir Anim
dir Spore
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file
- file