Base classes
- class cSpaceInventoryItem
- Represents an item of the space player inventory. This include space tools and cargo.
Public types
- enum SpaceToolFlags { kFlagHitOrientsToTerrain = 0x1, kFlagBeamPassThrough = 0x2, kFlagIsHoming = 0x4, kFlagDestroysFloraAndFauna = 0x8, kFlagPicksFlora = 0x10, kFlagUsesAmmo = 0x20, kFlagDisableOnHomeWorld = 0x40, kFlagDisableOnSaveGames = 0x80, kFlagPassTroughAll = 0x100, kFlagDamagesFriendlies = 0x200, kFlagPreventsPlanetExit = 0x400, kFlagProjectileLobAngle = 0x800, kFlagDoActionPostEffect = 0x1000, kFlagOnlyOnPlayerColonies = 0x2000, kFlagOnlyOnNPCColonies = 0x4000, kFlagUseOnActivate = 0x8000, kFlagCanPlayerLockOn = 0x10000, kFlagDisableOn201Ruins = 0x20000, kFlagProjectilePassThrough = 0x40000, kFlagIsSuperWeapon = 0x80000 }
Public static variables
Public static functions
static auto ShowEventLog(cSpaceToolData* pTool,
t eventLogID, bool show = true) -> uint32_ t
Public functions
- auto AddAmmo(int amount) -> void
- Adds a certain quantity to the current ammount of ammo of the tool, ensuring it is not greater than the
property. - auto ConsumeAmmo(int amount = -1) -> void
- Removes a certain quantity of ammo.
- auto GetMinRange() const -> float
- auto GetMaxRange() const -> float
- auto IsTargetAir() const -> bool
- auto GetStrategy() const -> cToolStrategy*
Public variables
- int mCurrentAmmoCount
- bool mbIsInUse
- cGonzagoTimer mRechargeTimer
- cGonzagoTimer mAutoFireTimer
- cGonzagoTimer mChargeTimer
- cGonzagoTimer mMissCheckTimer
- ObjectPtr field_108
- ObjectPtr field_10C
- ObjectPtr field_110
- cSpatialObjectPtr mpToolOwner
- cSpatialObjectPtr mpToolTarget
- int mTargetDamagePointId
- cDefaultAoEAreaPtr mpArea
- cDefaultBeamProjectilePtr mpBeam
- int field_128
- ObjectPtr mpAppTarget
- char padding_130
- bool mbInterruptedByDamage
- int field_140
- float mDamageMultiplier
- float mRangeMultiplier
- float mProjectileScale
- bool feld_150
- float field_154
- float field_158
- float field_15C
- float field_160
- float field_164
- float field_168
- int field_16C
- int field_170
- SpaceToolFlags mFlags
- int mStrategy
- Strategy class to use for custom behavior beyond normal tool usage.
t mType - Weapon, terraforming, special, other (a grouping for the tool in the various UI buckets)
t mWeaponSubType - Projectile, etc.
t mProjectileType - Artillery, pulse.
t mProjectileMotion -
t mContext - Defines where the tool can be used (always, planet, space, passive).
- ResourceKey mUpgradeFile
- The file which serves as an upgrade to this tool.
- int mAmmoUsedPerShot
- The amount of ammo each shot consumes.
- int mMaxAmmoCount
- The maximum ammo for the tool.
- int mUseCost
- The cost to use the tool once.
- float mEnergyCost
- Energy required per use.
- float mDamageArea
- The world unit radius in which the tool will destroy game objects.
- float mDetectableRange
- The range at which cities can detect the usage of weaponry.
- float mMinDamage
- Minimum damage the tool will cause if it registers for damage.
- float mMaxDamage
- Maximum damage the tool will cause if it registers for damage.
- float mMaxProjectileScale
- Maximum projectile scaling for this tool.
- float mRechargeRate
- The time (in seconds) that it takes the tool to recharge before it can be used again.
- float mAutoFireRate
- The time (in seconds) between repeat firings of a weapon (-1 means never)
- float mMinRange
- Min range for a tool to be fireable (-1 means no range constraint)
- float mMaxRange
- Max range over which a tool can fire (-1 means no range constraint)
- float mDamageRadius
- Damage radius (only used by Area of Effect weapons)
- float mChargeRate
- The time (in seconds) for the weapon to fully charge before firing.
- float mProjectileSpeed
- Projectile speed.
- float mProjectileAcceleration
- Projectile acceleration.
- float mProjectileTurnRate
- How fast it can turn, used by turret defense missiles.
- float mProjectileMaxAltitude
- Altitude at which it explodes.
- float mProjectileMinAltitude
- Lowest altitude the projectile can explode at.
- float mProjectileDetonationDistance
- Distance from target, inside of which it explodes.
- float mProjectileTimeOut
- Time in seconds before the projectile will explode naturally.
- float mProjectileEccentricity
- float mRelationshipDelta
- How much relationship changes when this tool hits.
- float mGalacticRelationshipDelta
- How much all empires' relationship changes when this tool hits.
- float mGalacticRelationshipRadius
- int mCulturalRewardCount
- How many charges rewarded to the player on civ transition.
- int mMilitaryRewardCount
- How many charges rewarded to the player on civ transition.
- int mEconomicRewardCount
- How many charges rewarded to the player on civ transition.
- int mMeaningOfLifeRewardCount
- How many charges rewarded to player when they discover the meaning of life (enter the galactic core)
- float mProjectileLobAngle
- Degree angle up from horizontal that the projectile will be lobbed from.
t mHitPlayerEffectID - Effect component for hitting the player.
t mBeamEffectID - Effect component for beam style weapons.
t mHitGroundEffectID - Effect component for beam style weapons.
t mHitWaterEffectID - Effect component for beam style weapons.
t mHitCombatantEffectID - Effect component for beam style weapons.
t mMuzzleEffectID - Effect that is emitted from the shooter.
t mProjectileEffectID - Effect that plays as the projectile flies through the air.
t mTargetEffectID - Effect that is pinned to the terrain for the duration of a deep space projectile's life.
- float mProjectileExplosionExpansionRate
- Rate at which a projectile's explosion spreads (use a high number for instantaneous)
t mPlacedModelKey -
t mMinimapSlotsToggleEffectID - Hash of slots, map, or none.
t mTerraformingIconID - int mTerrainColorIndex
- int mWaterColorIndex
- int mAtmosphereColorIndex
- SpaceToolTarget mTargetFlags
- LocalizedString mTargetFlagsFailMessage
- float mHitGroundAtmosphereVelocity
- Velocity added to atmosphere terraforming element when the tool is used on the ground.
- float mHitGroundWaterVelocity
- Velocity added to water terraforming element when the tool is used on the ground.
- float mHitGroundTemperatureVelocity
- Velocity added to temperature terraforming element when the tool is used on the ground.
- float mHitWaterAtmosphereVelocity
- Velocity added to atmosphere terraforming element when the tool is used on the water.
- float mHitWaterWaterVelocity
- Velocity added to water terraforming element when the tool is used on the water.
- float mHitWaterTemperatureVelocity
- Velocity added to temperature terraforming element when the tool is used on the water.
- float mHitCombatantAtmosphereVelocity
- Vlocity added to atmosphere terraforming element when the tool is used on a combatant.
- float mHitCombatantWaterVelocity
- Velocity added to water terraforming element when the tool is used on a combatant.
- float mHitCombatantTemperatureVelocity
- Velocity added to temperature terraforming element when the tool is used on a combatant.
- float mHitAirAtmosphereVelocity
- Velocity added to atmosphere terraforming element when the tool that detonates in air.
- float mHitAirWaterVelocity
- Velocity added to water terraforming element when the tool is used on detonates in air.
- float mHitAirTemperatureVelocity
- Velocity added to temperature terraforming element when the tool is used on detonates in air.
- int field_29C
Enum documentation
enum Simulator:: cSpaceToolData:: SpaceToolFlags
Enumerators | |
kFlagHitOrientsToTerrain |
If the beam takes the surface orientation on hit or uses the beam. |
kFlagBeamPassThrough |
If the beam effect passes through any combatants to hit the terrain or water. |
kFlagIsHoming |
kFlagDestroysFloraAndFauna |
Does this tool destroy flora and fauna? |
kFlagPicksFlora |
Does this tool need to interact with creature trees? |
kFlagUsesAmmo |
Flag if the tool requires the use of ammo. |
kFlagDisableOnHomeWorld |
Disable this tool on the users homeworld. |
kFlagDisableOnSaveGames |
Disable this tool when visiting savegame worlds. |
kFlagPassTroughAll |
If the projectile ignores all collisions. |
kFlagDamagesFriendlies |
If the projectile damages friendlies. |
kFlagPreventsPlanetExit |
kFlagProjectileLobAngle |
kFlagDoActionPostEffect |
If the tool waits for the hit effect to resolve. |
kFlagOnlyOnPlayerColonies |
kFlagOnlyOnNPCColonies |
kFlagUseOnActivate |
When this tool is selected in the interface, it will be automatically used and deselected. |
kFlagCanPlayerLockOn |
kFlagDisableOn201Ruins |
Disable this tool when visiting 201 world. |
kFlagProjectilePassThrough |
If the projectile effect passes through any combatants to hit the terrain or water. |
kFlagIsSuperWeapon |
Function documentation
void Simulator:: cSpaceToolData:: ConsumeAmmo(int amount = -1)
Removes a certain quantity of ammo.
Parameters | |
amount | The amount of ammo to remove or -1. |
By default the removed ammo is taken from the property mAmmoUsedPerShot
, but it can also be specified manually.