Base classes
- class IEffectsManager
- This class is the main manager of the Swarm effects system.
- class IVirtual
- A default interface that provides a virtual destructor, it should only be used internally.
Protected functions
auto GetDirectoryAndEffectIndex(uint32_
t instanceID, uint32_ t groupID) -> int - Returns an integer that contains both the index to the EffectDirectory that contains the wanted effect as well as the index to the effect inside that directory.
Protected variables
- int mnRefCount
- bool field_0C
- Clock field_10
- float mfSimMS
- eastl::vector<EffectDirectoryPtr> mDirectories
- int field_40
- int field_44
- int field_48
- int field_4C
- float field_50
- int field_54
- float field_58
- float field_5C
- float field_60
- float field_64
- int mAppFlags
- int field_6C
- int field_70
t field_74 - eastl::string field_C0
- cGlobalParams field_D0
- int field_1F0
- int field_1F4
- int field_1F8
- int field_1FC
- int field_200
- int field_204
- int field_208
- int field_20C
- int field_210
- int field_214
- int field_218
- int field_21C
- int field_220
t, IEffectsWorldPtr> mWorlds - IEffectsWorldPtr mpActiveWorld
- eastl::string field_248
Function documentation
int Swarm:: cEffectsManager:: GetDirectoryAndEffectIndex(uint32_ t instanceID,
uint32_ t groupID) protected
Returns an integer that contains both the index to the EffectDirectory that contains the wanted effect as well as the index to the effect inside that directory.
The returned integer uses the following structure: 0xXXYYYYYY, where XX is the index to the directory and YYYYYY the index to the effect.