PalettePageA page in an Palettes palette that contains multiple items (Palettes::
Items are laid out in rows/columns of cells; each item has an icon that is displayed on its cell. Pages belong to a specific category (Palettes::
Base classes
- class DefaultRefCounted
- The default implementation of a reference counted class.
- class Object
- This class represents a basic reference counted object.
Public static variables
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- PalettePage()
- ~PalettePage() virtual
Public functions
auto Load(const ResourceKey& name,
t thumbnailGroupID, uint32_ t arg_8 = 0, uint32_ t layoutID = 0, uint32_ t arg_10 = 0) -> bool - Loads a page from the .prop file specified, as well as all its items.
auto ReadProp(const ResourceKey& name,
t layoutID = 0) -> bool - Loads the configuration .prop file of this page; this does not load the items contained on it.
auto ReadItemsModule(const ResourceKey& pageName,
const ResourceKey& moduleName,
t thumbnailGroupID) -> void - Reads a .prop file that contains items contained in this page.
auto GetItemAt(size_
t nIndex) -> PaletteItem* - Returns the palette item at the given index.
- auto AddRef() -> int override
- auto Release() -> int override
auto Cast(uint32_
t) const -> void* override
Public variables
t mLayoutID - The instance ID of the layout file that will be used in this page.
t mDefaultUIClassID - The UI class ID given by default to items that are not .prop files or they don't define the 'paletteItemUIClassId' property.
- float mfItemHeight
- The height of each item in the page, in pixels.
- float mfItemWidth
- The width of each item in the page, in pixels.
- float mfHorizontalOffset
- The horizontal offset which item icons are moved relative to their respective cells, in pixels.
- float mfVerticalOffset
- The vertical offset which item icons are moved relative to their respective cells, in pixels.
- float mfHorizontalSpacing
- The horizontal spacing left between cells, in pixels.
- float mfVerticalSpacing
- The vertical spacing left between cells, in pixels.
- bool mbIgnoreOverrideThumbnailGroup
- bool mbNoResolutionScale
Rectangle mBorder - Interior blank space in the page borders, in pixels.
- float mfItemPercentageWidth
- A value that scales items horizontally, relative to their cells' width.
- float mfItemAspectRatio
- bool mbUseRelativeLayout
- bool mbUseAbsoluteItemSize
- bool mbUseAbsoluteBorderSizes
- If true, the values in the mBorder field are measured in pixels, otherwise they are a fraction of the panel size.
- float mfItemMaxPercentageHeight
- A value that scales items vertically, relative to their cells' height.
- int mnNumRows
- The number of rows of items can fit in the page; that is, how many items fit vertically.
- int mnNumColumns
- The number of columns of items can fit in the page; that is, how many items fit horizontally.
t mnSequenceNumber - An integer number that defines the order of this page inside the category.
t mSetID - The ID of the DLC group this page belongs to (0x00000001 is the base game).
- int field_60
- ResourceKey mParentCategory
- The ResourceKey of the category this page belongs to.
- eastl::vector<PaletteItemPtr> mItems
- The items contained in this page, ordered by columns.
Function documentation
bool Palettes:: PalettePage:: Load(const ResourceKey& name,
uint32_ t thumbnailGroupID,
uint32_ t arg_8 = 0,
uint32_ t layoutID = 0,
uint32_ t arg_10 = 0)
Loads a page from the .prop file specified, as well as all its items.
Parameters | |
name | The ResourceKey that points to the .prop file of the page. |
thumbnailGroupID | The ID of the folder that contains the icons for the parts in the palette, such as 0x02231C8B ('CreaturePartIcons~'). |
arg_8 | |
layoutID | The instance ID of the layout file that the page will use. If this is specified, the property 'palettePageLayoutFile' will be ignored. |
arg_10 | |
Returns | True if the .prop file existed and was read, false otherwise. |
The items are loaded from different .prop files contained in a specific folder; the ID of that folder is calculated in the following expression: (groupID & 0x00FF00FF) | 0x40006D00, where 'groupID' is the group ID of the .prop file of the palette page being loaded.
bool Palettes:: PalettePage:: ReadProp(const ResourceKey& name,
uint32_ t layoutID = 0)
Loads the configuration .prop file of this page; this does not load the items contained on it.
Parameters | |
name | The ResourceKey that points to the .prop file. |
layoutID | The instance ID of the layout file that the page will use. If this is specified, the property 'palettePageLayoutFile' will be ignored. |
Returns | True if the .prop file existed and was read, false otherwise. |
palettePageNumRows * palettePageNumColumns will be allocated in the vector field 'mItems' (all the values will be nullptr, however).
void Palettes:: PalettePage:: ReadItemsModule(const ResourceKey& pageName,
const ResourceKey& moduleName,
uint32_ t thumbnailGroupID)
Reads a .prop file that contains items contained in this page.
Parameters | |
pageName | The ResourceKey of the .prop file of the page. |
moduleName | The ResourceKey of the .prop file of the items module. |
thumbnailGroupID | The group ID where the icons of the items are stored. |
PaletteItem* Palettes:: PalettePage:: GetItemAt(size_ t nIndex)
Returns the palette item at the given index.
Parameters | |
nIndex |
The behaviour is undefined if the index is out of bounds.
Variable documentation
float Palettes:: PalettePage:: mfHorizontalOffset
The horizontal offset which item icons are moved relative to their respective cells, in pixels.
For example, an offset of 2 means the item icon will be displayed at X + 2 from where it should be.
float Palettes:: PalettePage:: mfVerticalOffset
The vertical offset which item icons are moved relative to their respective cells, in pixels.
For example, an offset of 2 means the item icon will be displayed at Y + 2 from where it should be.
int Palettes:: PalettePage:: mnNumColumns
The number of columns of items can fit in the page; that is, how many items fit horizontally.
Items in coordinates that exceed these limitations will not be displayed. The page space will be horizontally divided in this number of cells.
uint32_ t Palettes:: PalettePage:: mnSequenceNumber
An integer number that defines the order of this page inside the category.
Pages with lower sequence number go first.
eastl::vector<PaletteItemPtr> Palettes:: PalettePage:: mItems
The items contained in this page, ordered by columns.
The index of a certain cell is mnNumRows * column + row. If the item is nullptr, the corresponding cell is left blank.