Palettes::PaletteCategory class

A category in an editor palette contains pages.

Pages can be grouped in subcategories (like in the paint region category: base, coat, detail) and in DLC groups.

Base classes

class DefaultRefCounted
The default implementation of a reference counted class.
class Object
This class represents a basic reference counted object.

Public static variables

static const uint32_t TYPE

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

~PaletteCategory() virtual

Public functions

auto ReadProp(const ResourceKey& name, uint32_t defaultLayoutID) -> bool
Loads the configuration .prop file of this category; this does not load the pages nor the subcategories contained on it.
auto GetCategory(uint32_t categoryID) -> PaletteCategory*
Returns the subcategory in this palette that has the specified instance ID.
auto GetPageAt(size_t nIndex) -> PalettePage*
Returns the palette page at the specified index.
auto HasCategory(PaletteCategory* pCategory) -> bool
Tells whether the given subcategory is a children of this subcategory.
auto AddRef() -> int override
auto Release() -> int override
auto Cast(uint32_t) const -> void* override

Public variables

eastl::vector<PalettePagePtr> mPages
The pages contained in this category.
eastl::vector<uint32_t> mDLCGroups
The IDs of the DLC groups that divide the pages in the category.
eastl::vector<PaletteCategoryPtr> mChildren
Subcategories contained in this category.
uint32_t mLayoutID
The instance ID of the user interface layout file used by the category.
uint32_t mnSequenceNumber
An integer number that defines the order of this category inside the palette.
bool mbPaintByNumber
uint32_t mRegionFilterID
For paint categories: the instance ID of a file that defines which region is painted in partial styles.
uint32_t mSkinPaintIndex
LocalizedString mCategoryName
The text that is displayed when the category icon is hovered.
bool mbForceHasPages
uint32_t mCategoryID
The ID that identifies this category.
uint32_t mParentCategoryID
The ID of the parent category, if any.
ResourceKey mCategoryIcon
The ResourceKey of the icon used, only if this is a subcategory.
ResourceKey* mCategoryIconList
A list of 9 ResourceKey objects that point to the icons used in the category button.
bool field_8C

Function documentation

bool Palettes::PaletteCategory::ReadProp(const ResourceKey& name, uint32_t defaultLayoutID)

Loads the configuration .prop file of this category; this does not load the pages nor the subcategories contained on it.

name The ResourceKey that points to the .prop file.
defaultLayoutID The default instance ID of the layout file that the category will use, if no layout is specified in the .prop file.
Returns True if the .prop file existed and was read, false otherwise.

If the groupID of the ResourceKey given is 0, 0x406B0100 will be used as folder instead.

PaletteCategory* Palettes::PaletteCategory::GetCategory(uint32_t categoryID)

Returns the subcategory in this palette that has the specified instance ID.

categoryID The instance ID of the category to return.
Returns The Palettes::PaletteCategory which has that ID, or nullptr if no category has it.

This method will check recursively on all the subcategories and their children categories (if any). If no category has the given ID, nullptr will be returned.

PalettePage* Palettes::PaletteCategory::GetPageAt(size_t nIndex)

Returns the palette page at the specified index.


The behaviour is undefined if the index is out of bounds.

bool Palettes::PaletteCategory::HasCategory(PaletteCategory* pCategory)

Tells whether the given subcategory is a children of this subcategory.


Variable documentation

eastl::vector<PaletteCategoryPtr> Palettes::PaletteCategory::mChildren

Subcategories contained in this category.

Subcategories are, for example, the different regions that can be painted inside the Paint Region category.

uint32_t Palettes::PaletteCategory::mLayoutID

The instance ID of the user interface layout file used by the category.

The layout is expected to have:

  • A window that can contain the DLC group buttons (i.e. creepy & Cute, base game, GA)
  • A window with ControlID 0x0AF12396 or 0x811C9DC5 (it's not clear which) that will contain the page.
  • A window with ControlID 0x92DF6FD8 that will contain the page numbers and arrows. By default it's 0x89845152.

uint32_t Palettes::PaletteCategory::mnSequenceNumber

An integer number that defines the order of this category inside the palette.

Categories with lower sequence number go first.

uint32_t Palettes::PaletteCategory::mRegionFilterID

For paint categories: the instance ID of a file that defines which region is painted in partial styles.

This is only for block-paint editors, such as the building editor. The file is assumed to be in the folder with group ID 0x406A6F00.

ResourceKey* Palettes::PaletteCategory::mCategoryIconList

A list of 9 ResourceKey objects that point to the icons used in the category button.

The images are in this order:

  1. Normal
  2. Disabled
  3. Highlighted (when the mouse is hovered)
  4. Action (when the mouse is clicked)
  5. On & Normal (when it's selected)
  6. On & Disabled (when it's selected and disabled)
  7. On & Highlighted (when it's selected and the mouse is hovered)
  8. On & Action (when it's selected and the mouse is clicked)
  9. Normal again ?