Swarm::IEffectsWorld class

An effects world is a space in the game which contains effects.

The equivalent in models would be Graphics::IModelWorld. Effects in a certain world do not interact with effects of other worlds.

Derived classes

class cEffectsWorld

Public functions

auto AddRef() -> int pure virtual
auto Release() -> int pure virtual
auto CreateVisualEffect(uint32_t instanceID, uint32_t groupID, IVisualEffectPtr& dst) -> bool pure virtual
Creates a new instance of an effect of the given name.
auto SetState(SwarmState state) -> void pure virtual
Sets the current state of the effect world.
auto GetState() -> SwarmState pure virtual
Returns the current state of the effect world.
auto SetLOD(float, int) -> void pure virtual
auto SetDefaultTimeline(int timelineType) -> void pure virtual
auto SetRenderer(void*) -> void pure virtual
auto GetRenderer() -> void* pure virtual
auto SetParamUpdateFlags(int) -> void pure virtual
auto GetParamUpdateFlags() -> int pure virtual
auto GetGlobalParams() -> cGlobalParams* pure virtual
auto GetManager() -> IEffectsManager* pure virtual
auto KillAllEffects() -> void pure virtual
auto KillOrphanedEffects() -> void pure virtual
auto ManualUpdate(float, float, void*) -> void pure virtual
auto ResetState() -> void pure virtual
auto GetActiveEffectInfo(eastl::vector<cEffectInfo>& dst, const char* pPattern, int infoLevel) -> void pure virtual
auto ApplyToActiveEffects(VisualEffectCallback_t callback, void*, int infoLevel) -> void pure virtual
auto Initialize() -> bool pure virtual
auto Dispose() -> bool pure virtual
auto DoUpdate(float, float, void*) -> void pure virtual

Function documentation

bool Swarm::IEffectsWorld::CreateVisualEffect(uint32_t instanceID, uint32_t groupID, IVisualEffectPtr& dst) pure virtual

Creates a new instance of an effect of the given name.

instanceID The instance ID of the effect.
groupID The group ID of the effect, usually 0.
dst out An uninitialized IVisualEffectPtr where the created instance will be put.
Returns True if the method succeeded, false if the effect wasn't created.

The groupID is usually 0, so the first argument is the actual effect ID. An uninitialized intrusive_ptr to an IEffect must be given.

void Swarm::IEffectsWorld::SetState(SwarmState state) pure virtual

Sets the current state of the effect world.
