IO namespace
Classes to work with file input/output, that is, reading and writing data into files.
The IO namespace contains classes used to work with file input/output.
The main concept of this namespace is that of "streams", which are objects where data can be read form/written into. It's abstract representation is IO::
The IStream interfaces defines the methods needed to read/write a file (not all IStreams support reading/writing). Then there are specific implementations, the most notable of which are:
- FileStream: Used for reading files in the file system.
- MemoryStream: Used for reading files from the memory.
The IO namespace itself also contains several methods for reading/writing specific types of data, for example IO::
There's also a class called XmlWriter which can be used to easily write simple files in the XML format.
- class EAIOZoneObject
- A class derived from EAIOZoneObject is able to be allocated from different heaps without the owner of the object needing to know or care which heap the object came from or even what kind of allocator the object is using.
- class FileStream
- class FixedMemoryStream
- Implements an memory-based stream that supports the IStream interface.
- class IStream
- class MemoryStream
- Implements an memory-based stream that supports the IStream interface.
- class SharedPointer
- Implements a basic ref-counted pointer.
- class StreamBuffer
- Implements a smart buffer around a random-access stream.
- class StreamChild
- Implements a fixed-size read-only stream which is a 'child' of a parent stream.
- class StreamNull
- Implements a 'bit bucket' stream, whereby all writes to the stream succeed but do nothing and all reads from the stream succeed but write nothing to the user-supplied buffer.
- class XmlWriter
- A simple class that can be used to easily write XML files.
enum class FileError: uint32_
t { Success = 0, InvalidHandle = 0xFFFFFFFE, OutOfMemory = 0xCFDE0002, FileNotFound = 0xCFDE0004, PathNotFound = 0xCFDE0005, AccessDenied = 0xCFDE0006, CurrentDirectory = 0xCFDE0008, WriteProtect = 0xCFDE0007, NotReady = 0xCFDE000B, CRC = 0xCFDE000C, Other = 0xCFDE000D } - enum class AccessFlags: int { None = 0x00, Read = 0x01, Write = 0x02, ReadWrite = 0x03 }
- Defines stream access flags, much like file access flags.
- enum class CD: int { CreateNew = 1, CreateAlways = 2, OpenExisting = 3, OpenAlways = 4, TruncateExisting = 5, Default = 6 }
- Creation disposition. Specifies aspects of how to create or not create a file during opening of it.
- enum class PositionType: int { Begin = 0, Current = 1, End = 2 }
- Defines the positional basis for a user GetPosition or SetPosition action.
- enum class LineEnd: int { None = 0, Auto = 1, Newline = 2, Unix = 2, Windows = 3 }
- Defines textual line ending property types.
- enum Share { kShareNone = 0x00, kShareRead = 0x01, kShareWrite = 0x02, kShareDelete = 0x04 }
- enum UsageHints { kUsageHintNone = 0x00, kUsageHintSequential = 0x01, kUsageHintRandom = 0x02 }
- enum State { kStateSuccess = 0, kStateError = -1, kStateNotOpen = -2 }
- Defines state values or function return values.
- enum class Endian: int { Big = 0, Little = 1, Local = Little }
- Defines endian-ness. This is appropriate for working with binary numerical data.
- auto GetAllocator() -> ICoreAllocator*
- auto EnsureTrailingPathSeparator(eastl::string16& path) -> bool
- Ensures the given path finishes with a path separator ('/' or '\' depending on the OS), modifying it if necessary.
auto ConcatenatePathComponents(char16_
t* dstPath, const char16_ t* component1, const char16_ t* component2) -> int - auto Addresses(File) -> namespace
- auto Addresses(Directory) -> namespace
- auto Addresses(EAIOZoneObject) -> namespace
- ASSERT_SIZE(FileStream, 0x22C)
- auto Addresses(FileStream) -> namespace
- auto ReadBool8(IStream* pIS, bool& value) -> bool
- Reads a single boolean value from the stream.
auto ReadInt8(IStream* pIS,
t* value, size_ type count = 1) -> bool - Reads a single int8_t value or an array of int8_t from the stream.
auto ReadUInt8(IStream* pIS,
t* value, size_ type count = 1) -> bool - Reads a single uint8_t value or an array of uint8_t from the stream.
auto ReadInt16(IStream* pIS,
t* value, size_ type count = 1, Endian endianSource = Endian:: Big) -> bool - Reads a single int16_t value or an array of int16_t from the stream.
auto ReadUInt16(IStream* pIS,
t* value, size_ type count = 1, Endian endianSource = Endian:: Big) -> bool - Reads a single uint16_t value or an array of uint16_t from the stream.
auto ReadInt32(IStream* pIS,
t* value, size_ type count = 1, Endian endianSource = Endian:: Big) -> bool - Reads a single int32_t value or an array of int32_t from the stream.
auto ReadUInt32(IStream* pIS,
t* value, size_ type count = 1, Endian endianSource = Endian:: Big) -> bool - Reads a single uint32_t value or an array of uint32_t from the stream.
auto ReadFloat(IStream* pIS,
float* value,
type count = 1, Endian endianSource = Endian:: Big) -> bool - Reads a single float value or an array of float from the stream.
auto ReadResourceID(IStream* pIS,
ResourceID* value,
type count = 1, Endian endianSource = Endian:: Big) -> bool - Reads a single ResourceID value or an array of ResourceID from the stream.
- auto ReadCString(IStream* pIS, eastl::string8& str) -> IStream*
- Reads a null-terminated eastl::string from the source IStream This will read bytes until a \x00 byte is found.
auto ReadLine(IStream* pIS,
char* pLine,
type nLineCapacity) -> size_ type - Reads a line of text from the source IStream.
- auto WriteBool8(IStream* pOS, const bool* value) -> bool
- Writes a boolean value to the output stream.
auto WriteInt8(IStream* pOS,
const int8_
t* value, size_ type count = 1) -> bool - Writes a single int8_t value or an array of int8_t numerical values to the output stream.
auto WriteUInt8(IStream* pOS,
const uint8_
t* value, size_ type count = 1) -> bool - Writes a single uint8_t value or an array of uint8_t numerical values to the output stream.
auto WriteInt16(IStream* pOS,
const int16_
t* value, size_ type count = 1, Endian endianDestination = Endian:: Big) -> bool - Writes a single int16_t value or an array of int16_t numerical values to the output stream with the given destination endian-ness.
auto WriteUInt16(IStream* pOS,
const uint16_
t* value, size_ type count = 1, Endian endianDestination = Endian:: Big) -> bool - Writes a single uint16_t value or an array of uint16_t numerical values to the output stream with the given destination endian-ness.
auto WriteInt32(IStream* pOS,
const int32_
t* src, size_ type count = 1, Endian endianDestination = Endian:: Big) -> bool - WriteInt32.
auto WriteUInt32(IStream* pOS,
const uint32_
t* value, size_ type count = 1, Endian endianDestination = Endian:: Big) -> bool - Writes a single uint32_t value or an array of uint32_t numerical values to the output stream with the given destination endian-ness.
auto WriteFloat(IStream* pOS,
const float* value,
type count = 1, Endian endianDestination = Endian:: Big) -> bool - Writes a single float value or an array of float numerical values to the output stream with the given destination endian-ness.
auto WriteResourceID(IStream* pOS,
const ResourceID* value,
type count = 1, Endian endianDestination = Endian:: Big) -> bool - Writes a single ResourceID value or an array of ResourceID values to the output stream with the given destination endian-ness.
- auto WriteCString(IStream* pOS, eastl::string8& str) -> void
- Reads a null-terminated eastl::string from the source IStream This will read bytes until a \x00 byte is found.
auto WriteLine(IStream* pOS,
const char* pLineSource,
type nLineLength, LineEnd lineEndToUse = LineEnd:: Auto) -> bool - Writes a line of text to a destination IStream.
- ASSERT_SIZE(StreamBuffer, 0x34)
- auto Addresses(StreamBuffer) -> namespace
- ASSERT_SIZE(StreamChild, 0x1C)
- auto Addresses(StreamChild) -> namespace
- ASSERT_SIZE(FixedMemoryStream, 0x18)
- auto Addresses(FixedMemoryStream) -> namespace
- ASSERT_SIZE(SharedPointer, 0x18)
- ASSERT_SIZE(MemoryStream, 0x24)
- auto Addresses(MemoryStream) -> namespace
- ASSERT_SIZE(StreamNull, 0x8)
- auto Addresses(StreamNull) -> namespace
- ASSERT_SIZE(XmlWriter, 0x20)
- auto Addresses(XmlWriter) -> namespace
const size_
type kSizeTypeError - Used to designate an error condition for many functions that return size_type.
const size_
type kSizeTypeDone - Used to designate the condition whereby a requested operation is complete and no more processing can be done.
const size_
t kLengthNull - Defines a value to be used for eastl::string conversion functions which means that the eastl::string length is specified by a wherever the terminating null character is.
- const int kMaxPathLength
Enum documentation
enum class IO:: FileError: uint32_ t
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
enum class IO:: AccessFlags: int
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
Defines stream access flags, much like file access flags.
Enumerators | |
None |
No specified flags. Also used to indicate that a given IO stream is closed. |
Read |
Used for identifying read access to an entity. |
Write |
Used for identifying write access to an entity. |
ReadWrite |
Used for identifying both read and write access to an entity. |
enum class IO:: CD: int
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
Creation disposition. Specifies aspects of how to create or not create a file during opening of it.
Enumerators | |
CreateNew |
Fails if file already exists. |
CreateAlways |
Never fails, always opens or creates and truncates to 0. |
OpenExisting |
Fails if file doesn't exist, keeps contents. |
OpenAlways |
Never fails, creates if doesn't exist, keeps contents. |
TruncateExisting |
Fails if file doesn't exist, but truncates to 0 if it does. |
Default |
Default (implementation-specific) disposition. |
enum class IO:: PositionType: int
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
Defines the positional basis for a user GetPosition or SetPosition action.
Enumerators | |
Begin |
For GetPosition refers to absolute index of next byte to read; always positive. For SetPosition, refers to absolute index of next byte to be written; always positive. |
Current |
For GetPosition always returns zero. For SetPosition, refers to position relative to current position; can be positive or negative. |
End |
For GetPosition returns to position relative to end (i.e. the negative of bytes left to read); always negative. For SetPosition, refers to position relative to end; can be positive or negative. |
enum class IO:: LineEnd: int
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
Defines textual line ending property types.
Enumerators | |
None |
Refers to no line termination. When writing, it means to append nothing. |
Auto |
Refers to automatic line termination. When writing, it means to append kLineTerminationNewline if there isn't one already. |
Newline |
Refers to "\n" line termination. When writing, it means to append a newline always. |
Unix |
Same as Newline. |
Windows |
Refers to "\r\n" line termination. When writing, it means to append a newline always. |
enum IO:: Share
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
Enumerators | |
kShareNone |
No sharing. |
kShareRead |
Allow sharing for reading. |
kShareWrite |
Allow sharing for writing. |
kShareDelete |
Allow sharing for deletion. |
enum IO:: UsageHints
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
enum IO:: State
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
Defines state values or function return values.
Zero means success and non-zero means failure in general. Note that various stream types may define their own errors in addition to these generic errors.
Typedef documentation
typedef size_ t IO:: size_type
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
Function documentation
ICoreAllocator* IO:: GetAllocator()
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Allocator.h>
bool IO:: EnsureTrailingPathSeparator(eastl::string16& path)
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
Ensures the given path finishes with a path separator ('/' or '\' depending on the OS), modifying it if necessary.
Parameters | |
path |
int IO:: ConcatenatePathComponents(char16_ t* dstPath,
const char16_ t* component1,
const char16_ t* component2)
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
namespace IO:: Addresses(File)
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
namespace IO:: Addresses(Directory)
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
IO:: ASSERT_SIZE(FileStream,
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/FileStream.h>
namespace IO:: Addresses(FileStream)
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/FileStream.h>
bool IO:: ReadBool8(IStream* pIS,
bool& value)
Reads a single boolean value from the stream.
Note that the to be portable, the stream implments booleans as int8_t and not bool. The return value is true if the value could be entirely read. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: ReadInt8(IStream* pIS,
int8_ t* value,
size_ type count = 1)
Reads a single int8_t value or an array of int8_t from the stream.
Input 'endianSource' refers to the endian-ness of the values in the stream. Upon return the output value will be in local (a.k.a. native) endian-ness. The return value is true if the value could be entirely read. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: ReadUInt8(IStream* pIS,
uint8_ t* value,
size_ type count = 1)
Reads a single uint8_t value or an array of uint8_t from the stream.
Input 'endianSource' refers to the endian-ness of the values in the stream. Upon return the output value will be in local (a.k.a. native) endian-ness. The return value is true if the value could be entirely read. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: ReadInt16(IStream* pIS,
int16_ t* value,
size_ type count = 1,
Endian endianSource = Endian:: Big)
Reads a single int16_t value or an array of int16_t from the stream.
Input 'endianSource' refers to the endian-ness of the values in the stream. Upon return the output value will be in local (a.k.a. native) endian-ness. The return value is true if the value could be entirely read. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: ReadUInt16(IStream* pIS,
uint16_ t* value,
size_ type count = 1,
Endian endianSource = Endian:: Big)
Reads a single uint16_t value or an array of uint16_t from the stream.
Input 'endianSource' refers to the endian-ness of the values in the stream. Upon return the output value will be in local (a.k.a. native) endian-ness. The return value is true if the value could be entirely read. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: ReadInt32(IStream* pIS,
int32_ t* value,
size_ type count = 1,
Endian endianSource = Endian:: Big)
Reads a single int32_t value or an array of int32_t from the stream.
Input 'endianSource' refers to the endian-ness of the values in the stream. Upon return the output value will be in local (a.k.a. native) endian-ness. The return value is true if the value could be entirely read. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: ReadUInt32(IStream* pIS,
uint32_ t* value,
size_ type count = 1,
Endian endianSource = Endian:: Big)
Reads a single uint32_t value or an array of uint32_t from the stream.
Input 'endianSource' refers to the endian-ness of the values in the stream. Upon return the output value will be in local (a.k.a. native) endian-ness. The return value is true if the value could be entirely read. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: ReadFloat(IStream* pIS,
float* value,
size_ type count = 1,
Endian endianSource = Endian:: Big)
Reads a single float value or an array of float from the stream.
Input 'endianSource' refers to the endian-ness of the values in the stream. Upon return the output value will be in local (a.k.a. native) endian-ness. The return value is true if the value could be entirely read. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: ReadResourceID(IStream* pIS,
ResourceID* value,
size_ type count = 1,
Endian endianSource = Endian:: Big)
Reads a single ResourceID value or an array of ResourceID from the stream.
Input 'endianSource' refers to the endian-ness of the values in the stream. Upon return the output value will be in local (a.k.a. native) endian-ness. The return value is true if the value could be entirely read. If false, you can use IStream::
IStream* IO:: ReadCString(IStream* pIS,
eastl::string8& str)
Reads a null-terminated eastl::string from the source IStream This will read bytes until a \x00 byte is found.
size_ type IO:: ReadLine(IStream* pIS,
char* pLine,
size_ type nLineCapacity)
Reads a line of text from the source IStream.
A line is defined as a sequence ending with "\n" or "\r\n". A line may be empty, as would be the case with a "\n\n" sequence. The returned line does not end with line terminator characters. The returned line -does- end with a terminating zero.
The return value is the strlen (eastl::string length) of the expected line or kSizeTypeError upon error. A return value of kSizeTypeDone means there were no more lines to read. This is different from the return value of the IStream::
Upon return, the stream will be positioned at the beginning of the next line, even if input nLineCapacity was not enough to hold the entire line. The input nLineCapacity is max number of characters to write, including the terminating zero. The input pLine can be NULL, in which case it will not be written to and the return value will merely indicate its required size.
Example usage: char buffer[256]; size_type size; while((size = EA::IO::ReadLine(&fileStream, buffer, 256)) < kSizeTypeDone) // While there there were more lines... ; // do something
bool IO:: WriteBool8(IStream* pOS,
const bool* value)
Writes a boolean value to the output stream.
Since type 'bool' is not portable, this function converts the input to an int8_t and write that as 0 or 1. The return value is true if the value could be successfully completely written. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: WriteInt8(IStream* pOS,
const int8_ t* value,
size_ type count = 1)
Writes a single int8_t value or an array of int8_t numerical values to the output stream.
The return value is true if the value could be successfully completely written. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: WriteUInt8(IStream* pOS,
const uint8_ t* value,
size_ type count = 1)
Writes a single uint8_t value or an array of uint8_t numerical values to the output stream.
The return value is true if the value could be successfully completely written. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: WriteInt16(IStream* pOS,
const int16_ t* value,
size_ type count = 1,
Endian endianDestination = Endian:: Big)
Writes a single int16_t value or an array of int16_t numerical values to the output stream with the given destination endian-ness.
The return value is true if the value could be successfully completely written. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: WriteUInt16(IStream* pOS,
const uint16_ t* value,
size_ type count = 1,
Endian endianDestination = Endian:: Big)
Writes a single uint16_t value or an array of uint16_t numerical values to the output stream with the given destination endian-ness.
The return value is true if the value could be successfully completely written. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: WriteInt32(IStream* pOS,
const int32_ t* src,
size_ type count = 1,
Endian endianDestination = Endian:: Big)
Writes a single int32_t value or an array of int32_t numerical values to the output stream with the given destination endian-ness. The return value is true if the value could be successfully completely written. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: WriteUInt32(IStream* pOS,
const uint32_ t* value,
size_ type count = 1,
Endian endianDestination = Endian:: Big)
Writes a single uint32_t value or an array of uint32_t numerical values to the output stream with the given destination endian-ness.
The return value is true if the value could be successfully completely written. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: WriteFloat(IStream* pOS,
const float* value,
size_ type count = 1,
Endian endianDestination = Endian:: Big)
Writes a single float value or an array of float numerical values to the output stream with the given destination endian-ness.
The return value is true if the value could be successfully completely written. If false, you can use IStream::
bool IO:: WriteResourceID(IStream* pOS,
const ResourceID* value,
size_ type count = 1,
Endian endianDestination = Endian:: Big)
Writes a single ResourceID value or an array of ResourceID values to the output stream with the given destination endian-ness.
The return value is true if the value could be successfully completely written. If false, you can use IStream::
void IO:: WriteCString(IStream* pOS,
eastl::string8& str)
Reads a null-terminated eastl::string from the source IStream This will read bytes until a \x00 byte is found.
bool IO:: WriteLine(IStream* pOS,
const char* pLineSource,
size_ type nLineLength,
LineEnd lineEndToUse = LineEnd:: Auto)
Writes a line of text to a destination IStream.
The source line is not expected to end in a line delimiter (e.g. '
'); a appropriate line delimiter (defined by the lineEndToUse parameter) will be written to the stream by this function. The source line is not expected to end with a nul-terminator; if it has such a terminator, the nSourceLineLength value should not include that terminator.
If input nLineLength is kLengthNull, then the line is expected to be nul-terminated and the length written is the strlen of pSourceLine. The pLineSource value must be non-NULL unless nLineLength is zero.
The return value is true if the line could be successfully completely written. If false, you can use IStream::
IO:: ASSERT_SIZE(StreamBuffer,
IO:: ASSERT_SIZE(StreamChild,
IO:: ASSERT_SIZE(FixedMemoryStream,
IO:: ASSERT_SIZE(SharedPointer,
IO:: ASSERT_SIZE(MemoryStream,
IO:: ASSERT_SIZE(StreamNull,
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/StreamNull.h>
namespace IO:: Addresses(StreamNull)
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/StreamNull.h>
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/XmlWriter.h>
namespace IO:: Addresses(XmlWriter)
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/XmlWriter.h>
Variable documentation
const size_ type IO:: kSizeTypeError
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
Used to designate an error condition for many functions that return size_type.
const size_ type IO:: kSizeTypeDone
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
Used to designate the condition whereby a requested operation is complete and no more processing can be done.
Only applicable to functions that document the use of kSizeTypeDone.
const size_ t IO:: kLengthNull
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/Constants.h>
Defines a value to be used for eastl::string conversion functions which means that the eastl::string length is specified by a wherever the terminating null character is.
For the copying or converting of eastl::strings, the terminating null character is also copied to the destination.
const int IO:: kMaxPathLength
#include <Spore ModAPI/Spore/IO/FileStream.h>