App::cSporeApp class

Base classes

class IUnmanagedMessageListener
Same as App::IMessageListener, but this one does not use ref-counting.
class DefaultRefCounted
The default implementation of a reference counted class.

Public static functions

static auto EAMain(CommandLine* commandLine) -> int
The main function executed on the game, creates the cSporeApp and runs Init(), Run(), and Shutdown().

Public functions

auto Init(CommandLine* commandLine) -> bool
auto Run() -> void
The main game loop.
auto Shutdown() -> bool

Public variables

bool mHasInitialized
bool mIsRunning
uint64_t field_10
float field_18
float field_1C
IAppSystemPtr mpAppSystem
IClassManager* mpClassManager
IWindowPtr mpMainWindow
int field_2C
int mpMovieSystem
int field_34
int mpTerrainSystem
int mpSimulatorSystem
int mResult

Function documentation

static int App::cSporeApp::EAMain(CommandLine* commandLine)

The main function executed on the game, creates the cSporeApp and runs Init(), Run(), and Shutdown().
