IMessageListenerAn interface that can receive messages sent through the app.
Using the App::
Base classes
- class IUnmanagedMessageListener
- Same as App::
IMessageListener, but this one does not use ref-counting.
Derived classes
- class Anim::cAnimManagerImpl
- class DefaultMessageListener
- A class that inherits from App::
IMessageListener and defines an implementation for the AddRef() and Release() metods. - class GameSpace
- class ICameraManager
- This manager handles the cameras in the game.
- class LambdaMessageListener
- An implementation of IMessageListener using lambda functions.
- class cAppSystem
- class cCreatureModeStrategy
- class cGameModeManager
- The implementation of IGameModeManager; this should only be used for extending and detouring.
- class cMouseCamera
- class cPropManager
- The implementation of IPropManager; this should only be used for extending and detouring.
- class Editors::EditorCamera
- class Editors::EditorUI
- class Editors::cEditor
- Main class for editors.
- class GameCiv::GameCiv
- class Graphics::cRenderTargetManager
- class Palettes::OutfitterItemUI
- class Palettes::PaletteCategoryUI
- This class holds all information related with the user interface of a palette category.
- class Palettes::cSPScenarioBrushItemUI
- class Simulator::cCinematicManager
- class Simulator::cCity
- class Simulator::cCivilization
- class Simulator::cCombatSimulator
- class Simulator::cCreatureDisplayStrategy
- class Simulator::cGameBehaviorManager
- class Simulator::cGameNounManager
- The class that manages game objects, known in Spore code as 'nouns'.
- class Simulator::cGamePersistenceManager
- class Simulator::cGamePlantManager
- class Simulator::cGameViewManager
- class Simulator::cMission
- Base class for all missions, this class cannot be instantiated.
- class Simulator::cMissionManager
- This class manages all the missions of a player in space stage.
- class Simulator::cObstacleManager
- class Simulator::cPlanetModel
- class Simulator::cPlayer
- class Simulator::cRelationshipManager
- Handles relationships between political entities.
- class Simulator::cScenarioEditModeDisplayStrategy
- class Simulator::cScenarioTerraformMode
- class Simulator::cSimulatorSpaceGame
- class Simulator::cSimulatorSystem
- class Simulator::cSpaceTrading
- Singleton class for everything related to space stage trading, such as obtaining tradable items or generating NPC stores.
- class Simulator::cStarManager
- This class controls most stuff related with the galaxy, stars, planets and empires.
- class Simulator::cUIAssetDiscoveryManager
- class Skinner::cPaintSystem
- class Terrain::cTerrainSphere
- class Terrain::cWeatherManager
- class UI::EditorNamePanel
- class UI::Minimap
- class UI::SpaceGameUI
- User interface for the Space game.