cEditorMain class for editors.
A single instance of this class exists during the whole game, and is used for all editors (except the Adventure editor, that one uses App::
Base classes
- class App::IGameMode
- An interface that represents a mode in the game, that can receive mouse/keyboard input and update every frame.
- class Graphics::ILayer
- This interfaces defines a layer that is rendered every game loop, by callings its ILayer::
DrawLayer() method. - class UI::IHintConditioner
- class INameableEntity
- class App::IMessageListener
- An interface that can receive messages sent through the app.
- class DefaultRefCounted
- The default implementation of a reference counted class.
Public static functions
static auto GetEditorForAssetType(uint32_
t assetTypeID) -> uint32_ t -
static auto GetNameForAssetType(uint32_
t assetTypeID) -> const char16_ t* -
static auto GetTypeIDForAssetType(uint32_
t assetTypeID) -> uint32_ t
Public functions
auto HandleMessage(uint32_
t messageID, void* msg) -> bool override - Called every time a message is received.
auto Initialize(App::
IGameModeManager* pManager) -> bool override - This method is called once on every game mode when all modes have been added.
- auto Dispose() -> bool override
- This method is called once on every game mode when the game closes.
- auto OnEnter() -> bool override
- This method is called when the game mode is set as active, and therefore, entered.
- auto OnExit() -> void override
- This method is called when a different game mode is set as active, and therefore, this game mode is exited (no longer active).
- auto OnKeyDown(int virtualKey, KeyModifiers modifiers) -> bool override
- An event listener called every time a key is pressed while this mode is active.
- auto OnKeyUp(int virtualKey, KeyModifiers modifiers) -> bool override
- An event listener called every time a key is released while this mode is active.
- auto OnMouseDown(MouseButton mouseButton, float mouseX, float mouseY, MouseState mouseState) -> bool override
- An event listener called every time a mouse key is pressed while this mode is active.
- auto OnMouseUp(MouseButton mouseButton, float mouseX, float mouseY, MouseState mouseState) -> bool override
- An event listener called every time a mouse key is released while this mode is active.
- auto OnMouseMove(float mouseX, float mouseY, MouseState mouseState) -> bool override
- An event listener called every time the mouse is moved while this mode is active.
- auto OnMouseWheel(int wheelDelta, float mouseX, float mouseY, MouseState mouseState) -> bool override
- An event listener called every time the mouse wheel is moved while this mode is active.
- auto Update(float delta1, float delta2) -> void override
- An event listener called every game loop.
- auto SetEditorModel(EditorModel* pEditorModel) -> void
- Changes the current editor model, updating the creation with the parts and paints of the new editor model.
- auto GetEditorModel() const -> EditorModel*
- Get current editor model, which is the creation with the parts and paints.
- auto CommitEditHistory(bool arg1, EditorStateEditHistory* pStateHistory = nullptr) -> void
- Adds an edit history (undo/redo) entry based on the current model of the editor.
- auto Undo(bool, bool) -> void
- auto Redo() -> void
- auto IsMode(Mode mode) const -> bool
- Returns true if the editor is currently in the given mode.
- auto SetActiveMode(Mode mode, bool) -> void
- auto IsActive() const -> bool
- Returns true if the editor is currently active.
- auto GetCamera() -> EditorCamera*
- Returns the camera used to navigate and view the editor.
- auto GetSkin() -> cEditorSkin*
- Returns the editor skin, which is the model and texture generating system for creations that use skinpaints and metaballs (i.e.
- auto GetAnimWorld() -> cEditorAnimWorld*
- Returns the class that manages the creature animations in the editor.
- auto sub_581F70(EditorRigblock* part, void* activeHandle, int value) -> bool
- auto RemovePart(EditorRigblock* part) -> void
- auto SetCreatureToNeutralPose() -> void
- Emits a
with ID0x6581B78E
, which makes the creature (if any) stop its current animation and return to the neutral, motionless pose. - auto AddCreature(int = 1, const ResourceKey* key = nullptr) -> bool
- Adds a creature to the test drive, crashes in other modes.
auto PostEventToActors(uint32_
t eventID, int = -1, float = 1.0f, float = 0.0f) -> void
Public variables
- int vftable_1C
- IGameModeManagerPtr mpGameModeMgr
- The App::
IGameModeManager that holds this editor. - PropertyListPtr mpPropList
- The App::
PropertyList that contains the configuration of the current editor. -
Point mMousePosition - The current position of the cursor in the editor.
- int mMouseFlags
- MouseState mMouseState
- bool field_38
- int field_3C
- int field_40
- int field_44
- int field_48
- int field_4C
- int field_50
- int field_54
- int field_58
- int field_5C
- int field_60
- int field_64
- float field_68
- float mCreatureIdleActivationTime
- Time to wait before starting animated creature (in milliseconds).
- float field_70
- bool field_74
- EditorUI* mpEditorUI
- EditorPlayMode* mpPlayMode
- ILightingWorldPtr mpLightingWorld
- THe light to be used by the editor.
- IModelWorldPtr mpMainModelWorld
- The model world that contains the pedestal and test environment model, and also editor rigblocks.
- IModelWorldPtr field_88
- IModelWorldPtr mpBackgroundModelWorld
- The model world that contains the background model.
- int field_90
- IEffectsWorldPtr mpEffectWorld
- EditorModel* mpEditorModel
- int field_9C
- ModelPtr mpPedestalModel
- The model to be used for the pedestal in the editor. It belongs to mpPedestalModelWorld.
- ModelPtr mpTestEnvironmentModel
- The model to be used for the test environment in the editor. It belongs mpPedestalModelWorld.
- ModelPtr mpBackgroundModel
- The model to be used for the background in the editor. It belongs to mpBackgroundModelWorld.
- ModelPtr mpAccBackgroundModel
- A background model used in accessories editors. It belongs to mpBackgroundModelWorld.
- eastl::string16 field_B0
- int field_C0
- int field_C4
- int field_C8
- EditorRigblockPtr mpActivePart
- Rigblock that is being hovered, and where actions like mouse wheel scaling will be applied.
- EditorRigblockPtr mpMovingPart
- EditorRigblockPtr mpSelectedPart
- EditorRigblockPtr field_D8
- EditorRigblockPtr field_DC
- bool field_E0
- EditorBaseHandle* mpActiveHandle
- bool mbMouseIsInSkin
- Is the mouse over the skin of the creature?
- bool field_E9
- int field_EC
- int field_F0
- int field_F4
- char _padding_F8
- bool field_140
- bool field_141
- bool field_142
- bool field_143
- bool field_144
- ObjectPtr field_148
t field_14C - cEditorSkinPtr mpEditorSkin
- cEditorSkinPtr field_154
- int field_158
- just guesses, apparently it calls DefaultRefCounted.Unuse()
- int field_15C
- eastl::vector<eastl::intrusive_ptr<EditorStateEditHistory>> mStateEditHistory
- eastl::vector<cEditorResourcePtr> mEditHistory
- int mEditHistoryIndex
t mEditorName - The ID of the .prop configuration file of the current editor.
- bool mbTransitionHideUI
- bool mbTransitionCenterCamera
t mTransitionAnimationID - int field_198
t mTransitionEffectID - int field_1A0
- int field_1A4
- int field_1A8
- int field_1AC
t, uint32_ t> mDefaultEditors - Maps a creation format extension to its default editor. For example, 'crt' is mapped to 'CreatureEditorExtraLarge'.
- EditorRequestPtr mEditorRequest
- ResourceKey mParentAssetKey
- eastl::string16 field_1DC
- int field_1EC
- int field_1F0
- int field_1F4
t mCameraThumbnailID - Thumbnail camera, when editor asset is saved, this is the camera used to generate the thumbnail.
t mCameraPaletteID - Palette camera, this is the camera that will be used to take thumbnails and display 3d swatches in the editor.
- ResourceKey mCurrencyIconName
- Key to png icon for editor currency.
t mCurrencyChar - Unicode character for editor currency.
- bool field_20D
- bool mbBackgroundMusic
- Whether a background music is played or not.
t mBackgroundMusicPatchID - The key to the sound patch to play for the background music.
t mTutorialPartModeID - Instance ID for part mode tutorial.
t mTutorialPlayModeID - Instance ID for play mode tutorial.
t mTutorialPaintModeID - Instance ID for paint mode tutorial.
- int field_220
- int field_224
- int field_228
- int field_22C
- int field_230
- int field_234
- int field_238
- int field_23C
- int field_240
- int field_244
- int field_248
- int field_24C
- int field_250
- int field_254
- int field_258
- int field_25C
- int field_260
- int field_264
- int field_268
- int field_26C
- int field_270
- int field_274
t mPlayModeEntryEffectID -
t mPlayModeExitEffectID -
t mSkyBoxEffectID - The ID for the sky box effect.
- int field_284
- float field_288
- TexturePtr mpThumbnailTexture
- Briefly set when saving a creature, then immediately unset.
- int field_290
- IShadowWorldPtr mpShadowWorld
ShadowMapInfo* mpShadowMapInfo - int field_29C
- int field_2A0
- int field_2A4
t mSaveExtension - The save extension key which will be parsed both into a key and a three letter extension.
t mSaveDirectory - The save directory key, Resource::
SaveAreaID. - bool mIsActive
- char field_2B1
- bool mbShowVertebrae
- char field_2B3
- char field_2B4
- bool mbDisableCreatureAnimIK
- float mBoundSize
- The width of the space that the model skin is constrained to.
- float mFeetBoundSize
- The width of the space that the feet are constrained to.
- float mMinHeight
- The base of the cylinder.
- float mfMaxHeight
- The height of te cylinder.
- float mMinPlayableWidth
- Minimum width a model has to be to be playable.
- float mMinPlayableDepth
- Minimum depth a model has to be to be playable.
- float mMinPlayableHeight
- Minimum height a model has to be to be playable.
- float mMinimumLeglessCreatureHeight
- The minimum height a legless creature is allowed to be on load.
t mViewableComplexityFlags - Which complexity limits to show in meter, possible values in the ComplexityFlags enum.
- int mComplexityLimit
- Maximum complexity of blocks allowed in this editor.
- int mBoneComplexityLimit
- Maximum bone complexity of blocks allowed in this editor.
- int mMaxBakedBlocks
- Maximum number of baked blocks allowed in this editor.
- int field_2E8
- float mMaxGeomScore
- Maximum geometric score (from vertices/indices) allowed in this editor.
- bool mbCellPinningToRigBlocks
- bool mbUseSkin
- bool mbUseSpine
- bool mbInitSpine
- bool field_2F4
- bool mbAllowAsymmetry
- bool mbOnlyEditFromPalette
- bool mbMoveModelToGround
- bool mbMoveModelToCenterOfMass
- bool mbUseBoundsForDelete
- Has the editor use the bounds as a deletion option.
- bool editorTranslateModelOnSave
t mSporepediaConfigID - The ID for the sporepedia config to launch from the editor.
t mSporepediaCanSwitchConfigID - The ID for the sporepedia config to launch from the editor when you can switch editors.
t mModelTranslationOptions - Translation flags.
- int field_308
- int field_30C
- bool mbPreserveLineage
- Whether to save the parent key to newly saved assets.
- float field_314
t field_318 - Mode mMode
t> mEnabledManipulators -
t> mModelTypes - The list of model types that this editor supports, ie. VehicleMilitaryAir, VehicleEconomicLand, BuildingIndustry, BuildingHouse, etc.
- int field_348
- int mnDefaultBrainLevel
- int field_350
- int field_354
- EditorNamePanelPtr mpEditorNamePanel
- int field_35C
- cEditorAnimWorldPtr mpEditorAnimWorld
- int mCurrentCreatureID
- ID used in
for the current editing creature. - int field_368
- eastl::vector<int> mOtherActorsIDs
- cEditorAnimEventPtr mpAnimEvent
- Anim event that will be played on the creature on the next Update() call.
- bool field_384
- bool field_385
- int field_388
- int field_38C
- int field_390
- bool field_394
- bool field_395
- bool field_396
- bool field_397
- bool field_398
- bool field_399
- bool field_39A
- eastl::vector<EditorRigblockPtr> field_39C
- int mHoveredPaintRegion
- int field_3B4
- PaletteMainPtr mpPartsPalette
- PaletteUIPtr mpPartsPaletteUI
- PaletteMainPtr mpPaintPalette
- PaletteUIPtr mpPaintPaletteUI
- bool field_3C8
- bool field_3C9
cViewer* field_3CC -
cViewer* field_3D0 -
cViewer* field_3D4 -
cViewer* field_3D8 -
cViewer* field_3DC - bool mIsRecordingGIF
- bool field_3E1
- int field_3E4
- int field_3E8
- int field_3EC
- int field_3F0
- int field_3F4
- int field_3F8
- int field_3FC
- int field_400
- int field_404
- int field_408
- int field_40C
- int field_410
- int field_414
- int field_418
- int field_41C
- int field_420
- int field_424
- int field_428
- int field_42C
- bool field_430
- StdEditorLimitsPtr mpEditorLimits
- int field_438
- int field_43C
- int field_440
- int field_444
- int field_448
- int field_44C
- int field_450
- eastl::map<int, int> field_454
- bool field_470
- bool mbShowBoneLengthHandles
- Tells the editor whether or not to show the bone length handle.
- bool field_472
- float field_474
- float mfMouseWheelTimeout
- The amount of idle time it takes for a mouse wheel operation to register finished.
- float mfMouseWheelDistanceThreshold
- The distance the mouse has to travel for a mouse wheel operation to register finished.
- float field_480
- float field_484
- float mAnimationInterruptDistance
- The distance the mouse has to travel to interrupt a reactive animation.
- int field_48C
- int field_490
- int field_494
- int field_498
- int field_49C
- int field_4A0
- int field_4A4
- int field_4A8
- int mRenderingQuality
- bool field_4B0
- bool field_4B1
- bool field_4B2
- bool field_4B3
- bool field_4B4
- bool field_4B5
- bool field_4B6
- bool mbModelForceSaveOver
- bool mbModelCopyConsequence
- bool mbModelSaveLastChild
- int field_4BC
- int field_4C0
- int field_4C4
- bool field_4C8
- bool field_4C9
- int field_4CC
- float field_4D0
- int field_4D4
- int field_4D8
- int field_4DC
- int field_4E0
- int field_4E4
- eastl::vector<int> field_508
- eastl::vector<int> field_51C
- eastl::vector<int> field_530
- eastl::vector<int> field_544
- eastl::vector<int> field_558
- eastl::vector<int> field_56C
- int field_580
- int field_584
- eastl::vector<int> field_588
t mDaisType - Used by audio system to play different footsteps based on type of material used in the dais construction.
- float mfDaisRadius
- Used by audio system to determine if foot is on dais or floor.
- int field_5A4
- Clock field_5A8
- int field_5C0
- int field_5C4
- int field_5C8
- int field_5CC
- int field_5D0
- int field_5D4
- int field_5D8
- int field_5DC
- int field_5E0
- int field_5E4
- int field_5E8
- int field_5EC
- int field_5F0
- int field_5F4
- int field_5F8
- int field_5FC
Function documentation
bool Editors:: cEditor:: HandleMessage(uint32_ t messageID,
void* msg) override
Called every time a message is received.
Parameters | |
messageID | The ID of the message received. |
msg | The data of the message received, it might be nullptr. |
Returns | Whether the message was handled or not. |
Only the messages with an ID this listener signed up for will call this event.
bool Editors:: cEditor:: Initialize(App:: IGameModeManager* pManager) override
This method is called once on every game mode when all modes have been added.
Parameters | |
pManager | The GameModeManager that has called this method. |
This should take care of all initializations and setups that are required.
bool Editors:: cEditor:: OnKeyDown(int virtualKey,
KeyModifiers modifiers) override
An event listener called every time a key is pressed while this mode is active.
Parameters | |
virtualKey | The VK code of the key. |
modifiers | The modifiers (Ctrl, Alt and Shift) currently being pressed. They use the enum values UTFWin::kModifier.... |
Returns | Whether the event was handled or not. |
bool Editors:: cEditor:: OnKeyUp(int virtualKey,
KeyModifiers modifiers) override
An event listener called every time a key is released while this mode is active.
Parameters | |
virtualKey | The VK code of the key. |
modifiers | The modifiers (Ctrl, Alt and Shift) currently being pressed. They use the enum values UTFWin::kModifier.... |
Returns | Whether the event was handled or not. |
bool Editors:: cEditor:: OnMouseDown(MouseButton mouseButton,
float mouseX,
float mouseY,
MouseState mouseState) override
An event listener called every time a mouse key is pressed while this mode is active.
Parameters | |
mouseButton | The button that was pressed. |
mouseX | The X position of the mouse. |
mouseY | The Y position of the mouse. |
mouseState | The state of the mouse. |
Returns | Whether the event was handled or not. |
bool Editors:: cEditor:: OnMouseUp(MouseButton mouseButton,
float mouseX,
float mouseY,
MouseState mouseState) override
An event listener called every time a mouse key is released while this mode is active.
Parameters | |
mouseButton | The button that was released. |
mouseX | The X position of the mouse. |
mouseY | The Y position of the mouse. |
mouseState | The state of the mouse. |
Returns | Whether the event was handled or not. |
bool Editors:: cEditor:: OnMouseMove(float mouseX,
float mouseY,
MouseState mouseState) override
An event listener called every time the mouse is moved while this mode is active.
Parameters | |
mouseX | The X position of the mouse. |
mouseY | The Y position of the mouse. |
mouseState | The state of the mouse. |
Returns | Whether the event was handled or not. |
bool Editors:: cEditor:: OnMouseWheel(int wheelDelta,
float mouseX,
float mouseY,
MouseState mouseState) override
An event listener called every time the mouse wheel is moved while this mode is active.
Parameters | |
wheelDelta | The amount of units the wheel moved. This is a multiple of UTFWin::kMouseWheelDelta. |
mouseX | The X position of the mouse. |
mouseY | The Y position of the mouse. |
mouseState | The state of the mouse. |
Returns | Whether the event was handled or not. |
void Editors:: cEditor:: SetEditorModel(EditorModel* pEditorModel)
Changes the current editor model, updating the creation with the parts and paints of the new editor model.
Parameters | |
pEditorModel |
void Editors:: cEditor:: CommitEditHistory(bool arg1,
EditorStateEditHistory* pStateHistory = nullptr)
Adds an edit history (undo/redo) entry based on the current model of the editor.
Parameters | |
arg1 | |
pStateHistory |
cEditorSkin* Editors:: cEditor:: GetSkin()
Returns the editor skin, which is the model and texture generating system for creations that use skinpaints and metaballs (i.e.
creatures and flora). For the rest of creation types, this returns nullptr.
Variable documentation
int Editors:: cEditor:: field_158
just guesses, apparently it calls DefaultRefCounted.Unuse()
- 158h / DefaultRefCounted field_158;
- 15Ch / DefaultRefCounted field_15C; // something related with "UTFWin/RWTextureResource" ?
- 160h / eastl::vector<DefaultRefCounted> field_160; // we only know it calls the DefaultRefCounted* destructor