Simulator::cTerraformingManager class

Base classes

class cStrategy

Public static functions

static auto Get() -> cTerraformingManager*

Public functions

auto GetTScore(const cPlanetRecord* pPlanet = nullptr) -> int
Returns the TScore of the current planet, or the planet specified in the parameter.
auto CalculateTScore(float atmosphereScore, float temperatureScore) -> int

Public variables

eastl::hash_map<int, int> field_1C
bool field_3C
int field_40
bool field_44
eastl::map<int, int> field_48
int field_64
eastl::vector<cCommodityNodePtr> mCommodityNodes
int field_7C
int field_80
int field_84
int field_88
int field_8C
int field_90

Function documentation

int Simulator::cTerraformingManager::GetTScore(const cPlanetRecord* pPlanet = nullptr)

Returns the TScore of the current planet, or the planet specified in the parameter.

The TScore is calculated using the planet atmosphere and temperature scores.