Simulator::cArtilleryProjectile class

Base classes

class cGameData
Base class for most Simulator objects.
class cLocomotiveObject
class cProjectile

Derived classes

class cSpear

Public static variables

static const uint32_t TYPE
static const uint32_t NOUN_ID

Public functions

auto LaunchProjectile(const Math::Vector3& target) -> void
Creates a cBallisticLocomotion locomotion strategy to start launching this projectile.
auto AddRef() -> int pure virtual
auto Release() -> int pure virtual
auto Cast(uint32_t typeID) const -> void* pure virtual

Public variables

Math::Vector3 mLastPosition
cCombatantPtr mpOwner
int mMinDamage
int mMaxDamage
int mDamageType
cSpaceToolDataPtr mTool

Function documentation

void Simulator::cArtilleryProjectile::LaunchProjectile(const Math::Vector3& target)

Creates a cBallisticLocomotion locomotion strategy to start launching this projectile.
