Skinner::cSkinPainterPipeline class

Base classes

class RefCountTemplate

Public functions

auto ExecutePipeline() -> void
The pipeline is executed as follows (the numbers are the stage index): 0.
auto PreloadTextures(bool) -> void
auto Initialize() -> void

Public variables

eastl::fixed_vector<TexturePtr, 192> mTextures
A list of all textures used to render the skinpaint, including all rigblock diffuse, tintMask and specBump textures.
uint32_t mTextureInstanceID
uint32_t mTextureGroupID
uint32_t field_328
int field_32C
cSkinPainterJobPtr mpCurrentJob
int field_334
int field_338
int mCurrentStage
int field_340
int field_344
bool field_348
bool field_349
bool field_34A
int field_34C

Function documentation

void Skinner::cSkinPainterPipeline::ExecutePipeline()

The pipeline is executed as follows (the numbers are the stage index): 0.


  1. Nothing
  2. Checks some values
  3. cSkinPainterJobApplyBrushes
  4. cSkinPainterJobPaintParts
  5. Checks some values
  6. cSkinPainterJobAmbientOcclusion
  7. cSkinPainterJobColorDilateRepeat (field_10=0, field_14=8)
  8. cSkinPainterJobColorDilateRepeat (field_10=1, field_14=8)
  9. cSkinPainterJobCopyTex1AlphaToTex0
  10. cSkinPainterJobCopyRigblocksTintMaskAlpha
  11. cSkinPainterJobExtractTexture (with texture 0)
  12. cSkinPainterJobBumpToNormal
  13. cSkinPainterJobExtractTexture (with texture 2)