Simulator::cAnimalSpeciesManager class

Base classes

class cStrategy

Public static functions

static auto Get() -> cAnimalSpeciesManager*

Public functions

auto CreateAnimalItem(cAnimalCargoInfoPtr& dst, const ResourceKey& speciesId, int count = 1, bool isSentient = false) -> void
Creates a cAnimalCargoInfo, which is a cargo item for an animal.

Function documentation

void Simulator::cAnimalSpeciesManager::CreateAnimalItem(cAnimalCargoInfoPtr& dst, const ResourceKey& speciesId, int count = 1, bool isSentient = false)

Creates a cAnimalCargoInfo, which is a cargo item for an animal.

dst Pointer where the created object will be written.
speciesId ID of the animal species (id to a .crt file)
count How many units will the cargo item have, 1 by default.
isSentient True if the creature is sentient (citizen), false otherwise.

This is also used to create sentient animals (that is, citizens) cargo items, with the last parameter to true.