Simulator::cPlayerInventory class

Base classes

class cSpaceInventory

Public static variables

static const uint32_t TYPE
static const uint32_t NOUN_ID

Public functions

auto GetUnlockableTool(const ResourceKey& id) const -> cSpaceToolData*
Checks mInventoryItems and mUnlockableTools and returns the tool that has the specified id, or null otherwise.

Public variables

eastl::vector<cSpaceInventoryItemPtr> mUnlockableTools
eastl::vector<int> field_60
eastl::vector<ResourceKey> mUpgradedToolIds
cSpaceToolDataPtr mpDropCargoTool
cSpaceToolDataPtr mpActiveTool
cSpaceInventoryItemPtr mpActiveCargoItem
bool mbHasAddedItem

Function documentation

cSpaceToolData* Simulator::cPlayerInventory::GetUnlockableTool(const ResourceKey& id) const

Checks mInventoryItems and mUnlockableTools and returns the tool that has the specified id, or null otherwise.
