App::Property class

Property is a class used to represent a property belonging to a PROP file.

This class is widely used for configuring and storing game properties. The class PropertyList is used to group properties together, and represent a PROP file.

This class is not usually used directly; it provides, however, numerous static methods to easily get data from a PropertyList. For example, to get a property from a PROP file:

PropertyList* propList = ...;  // get the PropertyList, probably from the PropManager class
float modelScale = 1.0f;  // we can assign it a default value
Property::GetFloat(propList, 0x00FBA611, modelScale);  // 0x00FBA611 is the propertyID of modelScale; you can find them in reg_property.txt (SporeMaster/SporeModder)
// this returns a bool; if you don't assign default values, it might be a good idea to check it

Another use of this class is to assign values; this can be used to store saved game data, for example:

// assuming the propertyID is just the hash of 'dnaAmount' (so it does not have an entry on reg_property.txt)
propList->AddProperty(Hash::FNV("dnaAmount"), Property().SetValueInt32(80));

Public types

struct TextProperty
enum PropertyFlags { kPropertyFlagNotDirect = 0x10, kPropertyFlagArray = 0x30 }

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Property(const Property&)

Public variables

short mnFlags
PropertyType mnType

Protected functions

auto Clear(bool arg_0) -> void
auto UNNAMED(PropertyValues) -> union

Methods for getting value pointers

auto GetValueInt32() -> int32_t*
Returns a pointer to the int32_t value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueFloat() -> float*
Returns a pointer to the float value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueBool() -> bool*
Returns a pointer to the bool value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueUInt32() -> uint32_t*
Returns a pointer to the uint32_t value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueVector2() -> Vector2*
Returns a pointer to the Math::Vector2 value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueVector3() -> Vector3*
Returns a pointer to the Math::Vector3 value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueVector4() -> Vector4*
Returns a pointer to the Math::Vector4 value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueColorRGB() -> ColorRGB*
Returns a pointer to the Math::ColorRGB value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueColorRGBA() -> ColorRGBA*
Returns a pointer to the Math::ColorRGBA value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueKey() -> ResourceKey*
Returns a pointer to the ResourceKey ('key') value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueTransform() -> Transform*
Returns a pointer to the EntityTransform ('transform') value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueText() -> LocalizedString*
Returns a pointer to the LocalizedString ('text') value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueBBox() -> BoundingBox*
Returns a pointer to the BoundingBox ('bbox') value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueString8() -> eastl::string8*
Returns a pointer to the eastl::string8 value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueString16() -> eastl::string16*
Returns a pointer to the eastl::string16 value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueChar() -> char*
Returns a pointer to the char value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueWChar() -> char16_t*
Returns a pointer to the char16_t value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueInt8() -> int8_t*
Returns a pointer to the int8_t value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueUInt8() -> uint8_t*
Returns a pointer to the uint8_t value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueInt16() -> int16_t*
Returns a pointer to the int16_t value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueUInt16() -> uint16_t*
Returns a pointer to the uint16_t value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueInt64() -> int64_t*
Returns a pointer to the int64_t value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueUInt64() -> uint64_t*
Returns a pointer to the uint64_t value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueDouble() -> double*
Returns a pointer to the double value(s) of this property.
auto GetValueFlags() -> void**
Returns a pointer to the 'flags' value(s) of this property.
auto GetValue() -> void*
Returns a pointer to the value(s) of this property, regardless of its type.

Methods for setting values

auto Set(PropertyType type, int flags, void* pValue, size_t nValueSize, size_t nValueCount) -> bool
Sets the value of this property.
auto SetValueBool(const bool& value) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to the given bool value.
auto SetValueInt32(const int32_t& value) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to the given int32_t value.
auto SetValueUInt32(const uint32_t& value) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to the given uint32_t value.
auto SetValueFloat(const float& value) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to the given float value.
auto SetValueKey(const ResourceKey& value) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to the given ResourceKey value.
auto SetValueString8(const eastl::string8& value) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to the given eastl::string8 value.
auto SetValueString16(const eastl::string16& value) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to the given eastl::string16 value.
auto SetValueBBox(const BoundingBox& value) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to the given BoundingBox value.
auto SetValueVector2(const Vector2& value) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to the given Math::Vector2 value.
auto SetValueVector3(const Vector3& value) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to the given Math::Vector3 value.
auto SetValueVector4(const Vector4& value) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to the given Math::Vector4 value.
auto SetValueColorRGB(const ColorRGB& value) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to the given Math::ColorRGB value.
auto SetValueColorRGBA(const ColorRGBA& value) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to the given Math::ColorRGBA value.
auto SetArrayBool(const bool* pValues, size_t nValueCount) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to an array of bool values.
auto SetArrayInt32(const int32_t* pValues, size_t nValueCount) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to an array of int32_t values.
auto SetArrayUInt32(const uint32_t* pValues, size_t nValueCount) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to an array of uint32_t values.
auto SetArrayFloat(const float* pValues, size_t nValueCount) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to an array of float values.
auto SetArrayKey(const ResourceKey* pValues, size_t nValueCount) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to an array of ResourceKey values.
auto SetArrayString8(const eastl::string8* pValues, size_t nValueCount) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to the an array of eastl::string8 values.
auto SetArrayString16(const eastl::string16* pValues, size_t nValueCount) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to an array of eastl::string16 values.
auto SetArrayBBox(const BoundingBox* pValues, size_t nValueCount) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to an array of BoundingBox values.
auto SetArrayTransform(const Transform* pValues, size_t nValueCount) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to an array of Transform values.
auto SetArrayText(const LocalizedString* pValues, size_t nValueCount) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to an array of LocalizedString values.
auto SetArrayVector2(const Vector2* pValues, size_t nValueCount) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to an array of Math::Vector2 values.
auto SetArrayVector3(const Vector3* pValues, size_t nValueCount) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to an array of Math::Vector3 values.
auto SetArrayVector4(const Vector4* pValues, size_t nValueCount) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to an array of Math::Vector4 values.
auto SetArrayColorRGB(const ColorRGB* pValues, size_t nValueCount) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to an array of Math::ColorRGB values.
auto SetArrayColorRGBA(const ColorRGBA* pValues, size_t nValueCount) -> Property&
Sets the value of this Property to an array of Math::ColorRGBA values.

Static methods for getting values

static auto GetBool(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, bool& dst) -> bool
Gets a single bool value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetFloat(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, float& dst) -> bool
Gets a single float value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetInt32(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, int32_t& dst) -> bool
Gets a single int32_t value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetUInt32(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, uint32_t& dst) -> bool
Gets a single uint32_t value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetVector2(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, Vector2& dst) -> bool
Gets a single Math::Vector2 value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetVector3(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, Vector3& dst) -> bool
Gets a single Math::Vector3 value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetVector4(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, Vector4& dst) -> bool
Gets a single Meth::Vector4 value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetColorRGB(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, ColorRGB& dst) -> bool
Gets a single Meth::ColorRGB value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetColorRGBA(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, ColorRGBA& dst) -> bool
Gets a single Math::ColorRGBA value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetKey(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, ResourceKey& dst) -> bool
Gets a single ResourceKey value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetKeyInstanceID(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, uint32_t& dst) -> bool
Gets the instanceID of a single ResourceKey value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetKeyGroupID(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, uint32_t& dst) -> bool
Gets the groupID of a single ResourceKey value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetKeyTypeID(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, uint32_t& dst) -> bool
Gets the typeID of a single ResourceKey value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetText(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, LocalizedString& dst) -> bool
Gets a single LocalizedString ('text') value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetCString8(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, char*& dst) -> bool
Gets a single char* ('eastl::string8') value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetCString16(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, char16_t*& dst) -> bool
Gets a single char16_t* ('eastl::string16') value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetString8(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, eastl::string& dst) -> bool
Gets a single eastl::string8 value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetString16(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, eastl::string16& dst) -> bool
Gets a single eastl::string16 value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetArrayBool(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, bool*& dst) -> bool
Gets an array of bool values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetArrayInt32(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, int*& dst) -> bool
Gets an array of int32_t values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetArrayUInt32(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, unsigned int*& dst) -> bool
Gets an array of uint32_t values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetArrayFloat(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, float*& dst) -> bool
Gets an array of float values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetArrayVector2(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, Vector2*& dst) -> bool
Gets an array of Math::Vector2 values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetArrayVector3(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, Vector3*& dst) -> bool
Gets an array of Math::Vector3 values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetArrayVector4(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, Vector4*& dst) -> bool
Gets an array of Math::Vector4 values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetArrayColorRGB(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, ColorRGB*& dst) -> bool
Gets an array of Math::ColorRGB values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetArrayKey(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, ResourceKey*& dst) -> bool
Gets an array of ResourceKey values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetArrayString8(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, eastl::string8*& dst) -> bool
Gets an array of char* ('eastl::string8') values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetArrayString16(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, eastl::string16*& dst) -> bool
Gets an array of 'eastl::string16' values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.
static auto GetArrayTransform(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, Transform*& dst) -> bool
Gets an array of EntityTransform values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

Function documentation

int32_t* App::Property::GetValueInt32()

Returns a pointer to the int32_t value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

float* App::Property::GetValueFloat()

Returns a pointer to the float value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

bool* App::Property::GetValueBool()

Returns a pointer to the bool value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

uint32_t* App::Property::GetValueUInt32()

Returns a pointer to the uint32_t value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

Vector2* App::Property::GetValueVector2()

Returns a pointer to the Math::Vector2 value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

Vector3* App::Property::GetValueVector3()

Returns a pointer to the Math::Vector3 value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

Vector4* App::Property::GetValueVector4()

Returns a pointer to the Math::Vector4 value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

ColorRGB* App::Property::GetValueColorRGB()

Returns a pointer to the Math::ColorRGB value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

ColorRGBA* App::Property::GetValueColorRGBA()

Returns a pointer to the Math::ColorRGBA value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

ResourceKey* App::Property::GetValueKey()

Returns a pointer to the ResourceKey ('key') value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

Transform* App::Property::GetValueTransform()

Returns a pointer to the EntityTransform ('transform') value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

LocalizedString* App::Property::GetValueText()

Returns a pointer to the LocalizedString ('text') value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

BoundingBox* App::Property::GetValueBBox()

Returns a pointer to the BoundingBox ('bbox') value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

eastl::string8* App::Property::GetValueString8()

Returns a pointer to the eastl::string8 value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

eastl::string16* App::Property::GetValueString16()

Returns a pointer to the eastl::string16 value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

char* App::Property::GetValueChar()

Returns a pointer to the char value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

char16_t* App::Property::GetValueWChar()

Returns a pointer to the char16_t value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

int8_t* App::Property::GetValueInt8()

Returns a pointer to the int8_t value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

uint8_t* App::Property::GetValueUInt8()

Returns a pointer to the uint8_t value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

int16_t* App::Property::GetValueInt16()

Returns a pointer to the int16_t value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

uint16_t* App::Property::GetValueUInt16()

Returns a pointer to the uint16_t value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

int64_t* App::Property::GetValueInt64()

Returns a pointer to the int64_t value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

uint64_t* App::Property::GetValueUInt64()

Returns a pointer to the uint64_t value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

double* App::Property::GetValueDouble()

Returns a pointer to the double value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

void** App::Property::GetValueFlags()

Returns a pointer to the 'flags' value(s) of this property.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

void* App::Property::GetValue()

Returns a pointer to the value(s) of this property, regardless of its type.

If the property is not of the specified type, a pointer to a default value will be returned.

bool App::Property::Set(PropertyType type, int flags, void* pValue, size_t nValueSize, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this property.


This will reset the property, so it is like creating a new one. You must specify the type of the value, a pointer to the value or array of values, the sizeof() the value type, and the number of values.

This is only for internal usage or to create arrays; to assign single values, using methods like SetValueBool, SetValueInt32, etc is recommended.

Property& App::Property::SetValueBool(const bool& value)

Sets the value of this Property to the given bool value.


This will be a single-valued bool property.

Property& App::Property::SetValueInt32(const int32_t& value)

Sets the value of this Property to the given int32_t value.


This will be a single-valued int32 property.

Property& App::Property::SetValueUInt32(const uint32_t& value)

Sets the value of this Property to the given uint32_t value.


This will be a single-valued uint32 property.

Property& App::Property::SetValueFloat(const float& value)

Sets the value of this Property to the given float value.


This will be a single-valued float property.

Property& App::Property::SetValueKey(const ResourceKey& value)

Sets the value of this Property to the given ResourceKey value.


This will be a single-valued key property.

Property& App::Property::SetValueString8(const eastl::string8& value)

Sets the value of this Property to the given eastl::string8 value.


This will be a single-valued eastl::string8 property.

Property& App::Property::SetValueString16(const eastl::string16& value)

Sets the value of this Property to the given eastl::string16 value.


This will be a single-valued eastl::string16 property.

Property& App::Property::SetValueBBox(const BoundingBox& value)

Sets the value of this Property to the given BoundingBox value.


This will be a an array bbox property, with only one value.

Property& App::Property::SetValueVector2(const Vector2& value)

Sets the value of this Property to the given Math::Vector2 value.


This will be a single-valued vector2 property.

Property& App::Property::SetValueVector3(const Vector3& value)

Sets the value of this Property to the given Math::Vector3 value.


This will be a single-valued vector3 property.

Property& App::Property::SetValueVector4(const Vector4& value)

Sets the value of this Property to the given Math::Vector4 value.


This will be a single-valued vector4 property.

Property& App::Property::SetValueColorRGB(const ColorRGB& value)

Sets the value of this Property to the given Math::ColorRGB value.


This will be a single-valued colorRGB property.

Property& App::Property::SetValueColorRGBA(const ColorRGBA& value)

Sets the value of this Property to the given Math::ColorRGBA value.


This will be a single-valued colorRGBA property.

Property& App::Property::SetArrayBool(const bool* pValues, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this Property to an array of bool values.

pValues The array with the values.
nValueCount How many values the array has.

This will be an array bool property of 'nValueCount' values.

Property& App::Property::SetArrayInt32(const int32_t* pValues, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this Property to an array of int32_t values.

pValues The array with the values.
nValueCount How many values the array has.

This will be an array int32 property of 'nValueCount' values.

Property& App::Property::SetArrayUInt32(const uint32_t* pValues, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this Property to an array of uint32_t values.

pValues The array with the values.
nValueCount How many values the array has.

This will be an array uint32 property of 'nValueCount' values.

Property& App::Property::SetArrayFloat(const float* pValues, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this Property to an array of float values.

pValues The array with the values.
nValueCount How many values the array has.

This will be an array float property of 'nValueCount' values.

Property& App::Property::SetArrayKey(const ResourceKey* pValues, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this Property to an array of ResourceKey values.

pValues The array with the values.
nValueCount How many values the array has.

This will be an array key property of 'nValueCount' values.

Property& App::Property::SetArrayString8(const eastl::string8* pValues, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this Property to the an array of eastl::string8 values.

pValues The array with the values.
nValueCount How many values the array has.

This will be an array eastl::string8 property of 'nValueCount' values.

Property& App::Property::SetArrayString16(const eastl::string16* pValues, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this Property to an array of eastl::string16 values.

pValues The array with the values.
nValueCount How many values the array has.

This will be an array eastl::string16 property of 'nValueCount' values.

Property& App::Property::SetArrayBBox(const BoundingBox* pValues, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this Property to an array of BoundingBox values.

pValues The array with the values.
nValueCount How many values the array has.

This will be an array bbox property of 'nValueCount' values.

Property& App::Property::SetArrayTransform(const Transform* pValues, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this Property to an array of Transform values.

pValues The array with the values.
nValueCount How many values the array has.

This will be an array transform property of 'nValueCount' values.

Property& App::Property::SetArrayText(const LocalizedString* pValues, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this Property to an array of LocalizedString values.

pValues The array with the values.
nValueCount How many values the array has.

This will be an array text property of 'nValueCount' values.

Property& App::Property::SetArrayVector2(const Vector2* pValues, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this Property to an array of Math::Vector2 values.

pValues The array with the values.
nValueCount How many values the array has.

This will be an array vector2 property of 'nValueCount' values.

Property& App::Property::SetArrayVector3(const Vector3* pValues, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this Property to an array of Math::Vector3 values.

pValues The array with the values.
nValueCount How many values the array has.

This will be an array vector3 property of 'nValueCount' values.

Property& App::Property::SetArrayVector4(const Vector4* pValues, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this Property to an array of Math::Vector4 values.

pValues The array with the values.
nValueCount How many values the array has.

This will be an array vector4 property of 'nValueCount' values.

Property& App::Property::SetArrayColorRGB(const ColorRGB* pValues, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this Property to an array of Math::ColorRGB values.

pValues The array with the values.
nValueCount How many values the array has.

This will be an array colorRGB property of 'nValueCount' values.

Property& App::Property::SetArrayColorRGBA(const ColorRGBA* pValues, size_t nValueCount)

Sets the value of this Property to an array of Math::ColorRGBA values.

pValues The array with the values.
nValueCount How many values the array has.

This will be an array colorRGBA property of 'nValueCount' values.

static bool App::Property::GetBool(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, bool& dst)

Gets a single bool value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array.

static bool App::Property::GetFloat(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, float& dst)

Gets a single float value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array.

static bool App::Property::GetInt32(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, int32_t& dst)

Gets a single int32_t value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array.

static bool App::Property::GetUInt32(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, uint32_t& dst)

Gets a single uint32_t value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array.

static bool App::Property::GetVector2(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, Vector2& dst)

Gets a single Math::Vector2 value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array.

static bool App::Property::GetVector3(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, Vector3& dst)

Gets a single Math::Vector3 value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array.

static bool App::Property::GetVector4(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, Vector4& dst)

Gets a single Meth::Vector4 value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array.

static bool App::Property::GetColorRGB(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, ColorRGB& dst)

Gets a single Meth::ColorRGB value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array.

static bool App::Property::GetColorRGBA(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, ColorRGBA& dst)

Gets a single Math::ColorRGBA value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array.

static bool App::Property::GetKey(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, ResourceKey& dst)

Gets a single ResourceKey value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array.

static bool App::Property::GetKeyInstanceID(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, uint32_t& dst)

Gets the instanceID of a single ResourceKey value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array.

static bool App::Property::GetKeyGroupID(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, uint32_t& dst)

Gets the groupID of a single ResourceKey value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array.

static bool App::Property::GetKeyTypeID(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, uint32_t& dst)

Gets the typeID of a single ResourceKey value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array.

static bool App::Property::GetText(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, LocalizedString& dst)

Gets a single LocalizedString ('text') value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array.

static bool App::Property::GetCString8(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, char*& dst)

Gets a single char* ('eastl::string8') value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array. The value is a null-terminated char eastl::string.

static bool App::Property::GetCString16(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, char16_t*& dst)

Gets a single char16_t* ('eastl::string16') value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array. The value is a null-terminated char16_t eastl::string.

static bool App::Property::GetString8(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, eastl::string& dst)

Gets a single eastl::string8 value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array. This does the same as GetCString8, but wrapped inside an eastl::string8 class.

static bool App::Property::GetString16(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, eastl::string16& dst)

Gets a single eastl::string16 value from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dst out The destination value that will be assigned with the value found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is an array property, it will return the first value in the array. This does the same as GetCString16, but wrapped inside an eastl::string16 class.

static bool App::Property::GetArrayBool(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, bool*& dst)

Gets an array of bool values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dstCount out The destination size_t that will be assigned with the number of values found.
dst out The destination pointer that will be assigned with the array of values found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is not an array property, a pointer to the single value will be returned.

static bool App::Property::GetArrayInt32(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, int*& dst)

Gets an array of int32_t values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dstCount out The destination size_t that will be assigned with the number of values found.
dst out The destination pointer that will be assigned with the array of values found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is not an array property, a pointer to the single value will be returned.

static bool App::Property::GetArrayUInt32(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, unsigned int*& dst)

Gets an array of uint32_t values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dstCount out The destination size_t that will be assigned with the number of values found.
dst out The destination pointer that will be assigned with the array of values found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is not an array property, a pointer to the single value will be returned.

static bool App::Property::GetArrayFloat(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, float*& dst)

Gets an array of float values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dstCount out The destination size_t that will be assigned with the number of values found.
dst out The destination pointer that will be assigned with the array of values found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is not an array property, a pointer to the single value will be returned.

static bool App::Property::GetArrayVector2(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, Vector2*& dst)

Gets an array of Math::Vector2 values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dstCount out The destination size_t that will be assigned with the number of values found.
dst out The destination pointer that will be assigned with the array of values found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is not an array property, a pointer to the single value will be returned.

static bool App::Property::GetArrayVector3(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, Vector3*& dst)

Gets an array of Math::Vector3 values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dstCount out The destination size_t that will be assigned with the number of values found.
dst out The destination pointer that will be assigned with the array of values found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is not an array property, a pointer to the single value will be returned.

static bool App::Property::GetArrayVector4(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, Vector4*& dst)

Gets an array of Math::Vector4 values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dstCount out The destination size_t that will be assigned with the number of values found.
dst out The destination pointer that will be assigned with the array of values found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is not an array property, a pointer to the single value will be returned.

static bool App::Property::GetArrayColorRGB(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, ColorRGB*& dst)

Gets an array of Math::ColorRGB values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dstCount out The destination size_t that will be assigned with the number of values found.
dst out The destination pointer that will be assigned with the array of values found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is not an array property, a pointer to the single value will be returned.

static bool App::Property::GetArrayKey(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, ResourceKey*& dst)

Gets an array of ResourceKey values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dstCount out The destination size_t that will be assigned with the number of values found.
dst out The destination pointer that will be assigned with the array of values found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is not an array property, a pointer to the single value will be returned.

static bool App::Property::GetArrayString8(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, eastl::string8*& dst)

Gets an array of char* ('eastl::string8') values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dstCount out The destination size_t that will be assigned with the number of values found.
dst out The destination pointer that will be assigned with the array of values found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is not an array property, a pointer to the single value will be returned.

static bool App::Property::GetArrayString16(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, eastl::string16*& dst)

Gets an array of 'eastl::string16' values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dstCount out The destination size_t that will be assigned with the number of values found.
dst out The destination pointer that will be assigned with the array of values found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

If it is not an array property, a pointer to the single value will be returned.

static bool App::Property::GetArrayTransform(const PropertyList* pPropertyList, uint32_t propertyID, size_t& dstCount, Transform*& dst)

Gets an array of EntityTransform values from a property with the propertyID specified in the given list.

pPropertyList in The PropertyList where this property will be searched.
propertyID in The unique identifier of the property to find.
dstCount out The destination size_t that will be assigned with the number of values found.
dst out The destination pointer that will be assigned with the array of values found, if any.
Returns True if a property of the required type and propertyID was found, false otherwise.

This type of property can only exist on array properties.