Terrain::ITerrainResourceManager class

Public static functions

static auto Get() -> ITerrainResourceManager*

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

~ITerrainResourceManager() virtual

Public functions

auto GetPropertyList(const ResourceKey& planetKey) -> App::PropertyList* pure virtual
Returns the property list assigned to the given planet; if the planet still doesn't have a property list, it will select one from the game available planets and copy it.
auto LoadPlanetInfo(const ResourceKey& key, eastl::tuple<float, float, float, float, float>& dst) -> void pure virtual
returns wta and planetinfo?
auto func0Ch(const ResourceKey& key) -> void pure virtual
auto SaveTerrain(const ResourceKey& outputKey, uint32_t instanceID, uint32_t groupID) -> App::PropertyList* pure virtual
Creates a property list and saves it to a file with key outputKey, copying to it the terrain script identified with groupID!instanceID.
auto LoadPlanet(const ResourceKey& key, ITerrainPtr& dst, bool = false, bool generateSingleStep = true, float generateTimeLimit = 10.0) -> bool pure virtual
auto func18h(int) -> void pure virtual
auto func1Ch(int) -> bool pure virtual
auto func20h(const char16_t*) -> bool pure virtual
auto func24h() -> void pure virtual
auto func28h(int) -> int pure virtual

Public variables

int vftable_4
int field_8
bool mIsInitialized
eastl::vector<ResourceKey> field_10
eastl::vector<ResourceKey> field_24
eastl::vector<ResourceKey> field_38
eastl::vector<ResourceKey> field_4C
bool field_60
DatabasePtr field_64

Function documentation

App::PropertyList* Terrain::ITerrainResourceManager::GetPropertyList(const ResourceKey& planetKey) pure virtual

Returns the property list assigned to the given planet; if the planet still doesn't have a property list, it will select one from the game available planets and copy it.


App::PropertyList* Terrain::ITerrainResourceManager::SaveTerrain(const ResourceKey& outputKey, uint32_t instanceID, uint32_t groupID) pure virtual

Creates a property list and saves it to a file with key outputKey, copying to it the terrain script identified with groupID!instanceID.


This will also rewrite the database that stores the planet property lists.