Palettes::AdvancedItemViewer class

Base classes

class ItemViewer

Public types

struct Message

Public static variables

static const uint32_t TYPE
static const uint32_t ONCLICK_MESSAGE_ID

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators


Public functions

auto AddRef() -> int override
auto Release() -> int override
auto Cast(uint32_t type) const -> void* override
auto SetAutoRotate(bool enabled) -> void
auto SetZoom(float zoom) -> void
auto Initialize(const ResourceKey& nameKey, UTFWin::IWindow* pWindow, UTFWin::IWindow* pParentWindow, uint32_t messageID, PaletteItem* pItem, PaletteInfo* pPaletteInfo, bool) -> void
auto Unload() -> void override
auto Update(int time) -> void override
auto Load(const ResourceKey& fileName) -> void override
auto SetName(const ResourceKey& fileName) -> void override
auto func2Ch(bool) -> void override
auto func30h() const -> bool override
auto GetWindow() const -> UTFWin::IWindow* override
auto Set3dPreview(bool enabled) -> void override
auto GetAnimatedCreature() const -> Anim::AnimatedCreature* override
auto func40h() -> void override
auto func44h() -> bool override
auto func48h() -> void override
auto func4Ch() -> void override
auto func50h() -> void override
auto func54h(int) -> void override
auto func58h() -> float override
auto IsOutside() -> bool override
auto OnOutside() -> void override
auto func64h() -> void override
auto RotateModel() -> void override
auto func6Ch() -> bool virtual
auto func70h() -> void virtual
auto func74h() -> int virtual
auto func78h(int) -> void virtual
auto func7Ch() -> void virtual
auto GetEventFlags() const -> int override
Gets the flags that represent which type of messages this IWinProc can handle.
auto HandleUIMessage(UTFWin::IWindow* pWindow, const UTFWin::Message& message) -> bool override
Method called every time a message is received on a window that has this IWinProc added.
auto HandleMessage(uint32_t messageID, void* msg) -> bool override
Called every time a message is received.

Public variables

DefaultRefCountedPtr field_17C
PaletteItemPtr mpItem
bool field_184
float field_188
ObjectPtr field_18C
int field_190
ObjectPtr field_194
bool field_198
bool field_199
bool field_19A
Clock field_1A0
ObjectPtr field_1B8
ObjectPtr field_1BC
int field_1C0
int field_1C4

Function documentation

int Palettes::AdvancedItemViewer::GetEventFlags() const override

Gets the flags that represent which type of messages this IWinProc can handle.

This allows for better performance, since generally a procedure only needs to listen specific events. The flags are in the kEventFlag... values.

bool Palettes::AdvancedItemViewer::HandleUIMessage(UTFWin::IWindow* pWindow, const UTFWin::Message& message) override

Method called every time a message is received on a window that has this IWinProc added.

pWindow The window that received this message.
message The message received.
Returns Whether the message was handled or not.

This method is responsible of handling (or not) the message. This method receives the IWindow that is currently receiving the message; this way, the same IWinProc can be listening for more than one window. This method returns whether the message was handled or not; if it was handled, no other IWinProcs will be called on that window.

bool Palettes::AdvancedItemViewer::HandleMessage(uint32_t messageID, void* msg) override

Called every time a message is received.

messageID The ID of the message received.
msg The data of the message received, it might be nullptr.
Returns Whether the message was handled or not.

Only the messages with an ID this listener signed up for will call this event.