UTFWin::cCursorManager class

Base classes

class Resource::IResourceFactory
An interface that can be used to create resources of certain types.

Public static functions

static auto Get() -> cCursorManager*

Public functions

auto Load(uint32_t id, const char16_t* fileName, bool loadFromFile = true, int xHotspot = 0, int yHotspot = 0) -> bool
Loads a cursor and assigns it to the given ID.
auto GetActiveCursor() const -> uint32_t
auto SetActiveCursor(uint32_t id) -> bool
auto ShowCursor(bool visible) -> void
Changes whether the native cursor is visible or not.
auto UseDropCursorIcon(uint32_t controlID) -> bool
Selects the given controlID in the DropCursorIcons.spui layout to be used in the ShowDropCursorIcon() function.
auto ShowDropCursorIcon(bool visible) -> void
Toggles the visibility of the drop cursor icon selected by UseDropCursorIcon()

Function documentation

void UTFWin::cCursorManager::ShowCursor(bool visible)

Changes whether the native cursor is visible or not.


bool UTFWin::cCursorManager::UseDropCursorIcon(uint32_t controlID)

Selects the given controlID in the DropCursorIcons.spui layout to be used in the ShowDropCursorIcon() function.


void UTFWin::cCursorManager::ShowDropCursorIcon(bool visible)

Toggles the visibility of the drop cursor icon selected by UseDropCursorIcon()
