App::cCellModeStrategy class

Base classes

class IGameMode
An interface that represents a mode in the game, that can receive mouse/keyboard input and update every frame.
class IUnmanagedMessageListener
Same as App::IMessageListener, but this one does not use ref-counting.

Public static variables

static const uint32_t MODE_ID

Public functions

auto AddRef() -> int override
Increases the reference count and returns it.
auto Release() -> int override
Decreases the reference count and returns it.
auto func0Ch() -> bool override
auto Initialize(App::IGameModeManager* pManager) -> bool override
This method is called once on every game mode when all modes have been added.
auto Dispose() -> bool override
This method is called once on every game mode when the game closes.
auto OnEnter() -> bool override
This method is called when the game mode is set as active, and therefore, entered.
auto OnExit() -> void override
This method is called when a different game mode is set as active, and therefore, this game mode is exited (no longer active).
auto func20h(int) -> void* override
auto OnKeyDown(int virtualKey, KeyModifiers modifiers) -> bool override
An event listener called every time a key is pressed while this mode is active.
auto OnKeyUp(int virtualKey, KeyModifiers modifiers) -> bool override
An event listener called every time a key is released while this mode is active.
auto OnMouseDown(MouseButton mouseButton, float mouseX, float mouseY, MouseState mouseState) -> bool override
An event listener called every time a mouse key is pressed while this mode is active.
auto OnMouseUp(MouseButton mouseButton, float mouseX, float mouseY, MouseState mouseState) -> bool override
An event listener called every time a mouse key is released while this mode is active.
auto OnMouseMove(float mouseX, float mouseY, MouseState mouseState) -> bool override
An event listener called every time the mouse is moved while this mode is active.
auto OnMouseWheel(int wheelDelta, float mouseX, float mouseY, MouseState mouseState) -> bool override
An event listener called every time the mouse wheel is moved while this mode is active.
auto Update(float delta1, float delta2) -> void override
An event listener called every game loop.
auto HandleMessage(uint32_t messageID, void* msg) -> bool override
Called every time a message is received.

Public variables

bool mbEnableLoadingCards
bool field_09
bool field_0A

Function documentation

int App::cCellModeStrategy::Release() override

Decreases the reference count and returns it.

If the reference count reaches 0, 'delete this' is called.

bool App::cCellModeStrategy::Initialize(App::IGameModeManager* pManager) override

This method is called once on every game mode when all modes have been added.

pManager The GameModeManager that has called this method.

This should take care of all initializations and setups that are required.

bool App::cCellModeStrategy::Dispose() override

This method is called once on every game mode when the game closes.

This should reverse everything the Initialize method did.

bool App::cCellModeStrategy::OnKeyDown(int virtualKey, KeyModifiers modifiers) override

An event listener called every time a key is pressed while this mode is active.

virtualKey The VK code of the key.
modifiers The modifiers (Ctrl, Alt and Shift) currently being pressed. They use the enum values UTFWin::kModifier....
Returns Whether the event was handled or not.

bool App::cCellModeStrategy::OnKeyUp(int virtualKey, KeyModifiers modifiers) override

An event listener called every time a key is released while this mode is active.

virtualKey The VK code of the key.
modifiers The modifiers (Ctrl, Alt and Shift) currently being pressed. They use the enum values UTFWin::kModifier....
Returns Whether the event was handled or not.

bool App::cCellModeStrategy::OnMouseDown(MouseButton mouseButton, float mouseX, float mouseY, MouseState mouseState) override

An event listener called every time a mouse key is pressed while this mode is active.

mouseButton The button that was pressed.
mouseX The X position of the mouse.
mouseY The Y position of the mouse.
mouseState The state of the mouse.
Returns Whether the event was handled or not.

bool App::cCellModeStrategy::OnMouseUp(MouseButton mouseButton, float mouseX, float mouseY, MouseState mouseState) override

An event listener called every time a mouse key is released while this mode is active.

mouseButton The button that was released.
mouseX The X position of the mouse.
mouseY The Y position of the mouse.
mouseState The state of the mouse.
Returns Whether the event was handled or not.

bool App::cCellModeStrategy::OnMouseMove(float mouseX, float mouseY, MouseState mouseState) override

An event listener called every time the mouse is moved while this mode is active.

mouseX The X position of the mouse.
mouseY The Y position of the mouse.
mouseState The state of the mouse.
Returns Whether the event was handled or not.

bool App::cCellModeStrategy::OnMouseWheel(int wheelDelta, float mouseX, float mouseY, MouseState mouseState) override

An event listener called every time the mouse wheel is moved while this mode is active.

wheelDelta The amount of units the wheel moved. This is a multiple of UTFWin::kMouseWheelDelta.
mouseX The X position of the mouse.
mouseY The Y position of the mouse.
mouseState The state of the mouse.
Returns Whether the event was handled or not.

void App::cCellModeStrategy::Update(float delta1, float delta2) override

An event listener called every game loop.

delta1 The amount of seconds elapsed since this the last update.
delta2 Usually the same as delta1.

bool App::cCellModeStrategy::HandleMessage(uint32_t messageID, void* msg) override

Called every time a message is received.

messageID The ID of the message received.
msg The data of the message received, it might be nullptr.
Returns Whether the message was handled or not.

Only the messages with an ID this listener signed up for will call this event.