Anim::IAnimWorld class

Base classes

class Graphics::ILayer
This interfaces defines a layer that is rendered every game loop, by callings its ILayer::DrawLayer() method.
class DefaultRefCounted
The default implementation of a reference counted class.

Public functions

auto func10h(bool, AnimFunction, void* object) -> void pure virtual
auto func14h(bool) -> void pure virtual
auto SetEffectWorld(Swarm::IEffectsWorld*) -> void pure virtual
auto SetModelWorld(Graphics::IModelWorld*, bool = true, int = 1, bool = true, bool = false) -> bool pure virtual
auto Dispose() -> bool pure virtual
auto Update(float deltaTime, App::cViewer* = nullptr) -> void pure virtual
auto UpdateCreatures(float deltaTime, App::cViewer* = nullptr) -> void pure virtual
auto PostUpdateCreatures(float deltaTime, App::cViewer* = nullptr) -> void pure virtual
auto LoadCreature(const ResourceKey& key, int = 2, const Vector3& = Vector3(), const Quaternion& = Quaternion(), bool = true) -> AnimatedCreature* pure virtual
auto func34h(int, int, int, int, int) -> int pure virtual
auto LoadCreatureByName(const char*, int, int, int, int, int) -> int pure virtual
auto DestroyCreature(AnimatedCreature*) -> void pure virtual
auto func40h(AnimatedCreature*, int, bool) -> int pure virtual
auto GetCreatures() const -> const eastl::vector<AnimatedCreature*>& pure virtual
auto func48h(int index, int) -> void pure virtual
auto func4Ch(int index) -> int pure virtual
auto func50h(bool) -> void pure virtual
auto func54h() -> bool pure virtual
auto func58h() -> bool pure virtual