Simulator::cCreatureAbility class

Public static functions

static auto Parse(cCreatureAbility* pAbility, App::PropertyList* pPropList) -> bool

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

~cCreatureAbility() virtual

Public functions

auto GetAnimationID(int index) -> uint32_t
Returns the animation ID at the given index, or 0x4330667 if there are no animation IDs in this ability or the given index is greater than the number of animations.

Public variables

int field_04
int mType
int mCategory
int mSocialCategory
LocalizedString nName
uint32_t mVerbIconImageID
The ID of the image in the layout.
ResourceKey mVerbIconGameLayout
Points to the layout file for a single verb icon.
int mVerbIconTriggerKey
The ascii value of the key that triggers this ability. -1 means "use the tray index" and -2 means "no hot key".
float mDamage
float mRangedDamage
float mRazeDamage
eastl::vector<uint32_t> mAnimationIDs
eastl::vector<uint32_t> mFollowerAnimationIDs
uint32_t mVerbIconRepresentativeAnimation
Animation ID a verb should play to show off the verb icon.
uint32_t mBabyGameAnimationID
uint32_t mBuildingSpecificAnimationID
int mEffectKind
float mEffectDuration
float mEffectDamage
uint32_t mMuzzleEffectID
uint32_t mTrailEffectID
uint32_t mImpactEffectID
float mConeDist
float mConeRadius
float mRefresh
float mDuration
float mRecharge
float mRange
float mEnergyCost
float mSpeed
unsigned int mSpeedGear
eastl::vector<uint32_t> mCombatEffectTypes
eastl::vector<float> mCombatEffectPercentages
eastl::vector<uint32_t> mCombatEffectEffectIds
float mRushingRange
uint32_t mRushingAnimationID
float mRushingSpeed
bool mbRushingTargetedCharge
bool mbRushingDoDamage
float mAdventurerEnergyCost
int mSprintBuff
float mDNAPoints
float mLevelMultiplier
bool mbIsSpecial
bool mbUseForBabyGame
uint32_t mHintName
float mAreaOfEffect
uint32_t mReactionAnimation
uint32_t mReactionDeathAnimation
uint32_t mReactionLiveAnimation
float mReactionDuration
PropertyListPtr mpPropList
float mRangeMin
float mAvatarRangeMin