Editors::EditorRequest class

This class is used to access the editors.

When you create a new instance of this, you have to set the editorID field to the ID of the editor you want to go to. That is the ID of the configuration file in the editor_setup~ folder. There are some additional properties that control features available in the editor By default, new instances of this class have the properties set to:

  • sporepediaCanSwitch: false
  • disableNameEdit: false
  • allowSporepedia: false
  • hasSaveButton: false
  • hasCreateNewButton: false
  • hasExitButton: false
  • hasPublishButton: false
  • hasCancelButton: true

Example usage:

auto request = new EditorRequest();
request->editorID = id("CreatureEditorExtraLarge");
request->allowSporepedia = true;
request->hasSaveButton = true;


Base classes

class IRefCounted
class IVirtual
A default interface that provides a virtual destructor, it should only be used internally.

Public static functions

static auto Submit(EditorRequest* request) -> bool
When this method is executed, the given request will be processed and.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

~EditorRequest() virtual

Public functions

auto AddRef() -> int override
auto Release() -> int override
auto SetDefaultValidation() -> void

Public variables

uint32_t editorID
The ID of the editor, such as 'id("CreatureEditorExtraLarge")'.
ResourceKey creationKey
You can use this field to preload a creation.
uint32_t activeModeID
bool field_20
ContentValidation editableTests
bool sporepediaCanSwitch
If true, the user can change the editor by selecting a different creation type in the Sporepedia.
bool disableNameEdit
If true, the creation name cannot be edited. False by default.
bool allowSporepedia
If true, the user can edit a creation from the Sporepedia.
bool hasSaveButton
Whether the "Save" button is shown. False by default.
bool hasCreateNewButton
Whether the "Create new" button is shown. False by default.
bool hasExitButton
Whether the "Exit to main menu" and "Exit game" buttons are enabled.
bool hasPublishButton
Whether the "Publish creation" button is shown.
bool hasCancelButton
Whether the "Cancel" button is shown. True by default.
bool field_3C
bool field_3D
eastl::string16 field_40
eastl::string16 field_50
float field_60
bool field_64
bool field_65
bool field_66
int field_68
bool field_6C
bool field_6D
bool field_6E
bool field_6F
eastl::vector<void*> field_70
int field_84
int field_88
int field_8C
uint32_t field_90
ObjectPtr field_94
EditorRequestPtr next

Protected variables

int mRefCount

Variable documentation

bool Editors::EditorRequest::sporepediaCanSwitch

If true, the user can change the editor by selecting a different creation type in the Sporepedia.

False by default.

bool Editors::EditorRequest::allowSporepedia

If true, the user can edit a creation from the Sporepedia.

If false, clicking the Sporepedia button will show all types of creations, but they won't be editable. False by default.

bool Editors::EditorRequest::hasExitButton

Whether the "Exit to main menu" and "Exit game" buttons are enabled.

True by default.

bool Editors::EditorRequest::hasPublishButton

Whether the "Publish creation" button is shown.

False by default.