Editors::PlayModeAnimations class

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

~PlayModeAnimations() virtual

Public functions

auto Initialize(int, int) -> bool virtual
auto Dispose() -> void virtual
auto PlayAnimation(int actorID, uint32_t playAnimName, bool loop, int mode, int* dstAnimIndex = nullptr) -> float virtual
auto ReadAnimations() -> void
Reads all the animation panels in the 0x4060E000 folder.
auto ReadPanel(const ResourceKey& name) -> void
Reads the .prop configuration file of a panel that contains multiple animation buttons.
auto ReadAnimButton(PlayAnimPanel* pPanel, const ResourceKey& name) -> void
Reads the .prop configuration file of an animation button, and adds it to the given panel.
auto GenerateUI() -> void
Creates all the buttons and windows that represent the animations in this object.

Public variables

cEditor* mpEditor
int field_08
eastl::vector<eastl::intrusive_ptr<PlayAnimPanel>> mPanels
All the PlayAnimPanel objects, ordered by the 'mnAnimPanelOrder' field.
int field_20
int field_24
int field_28
int field_2C
int field_30
int field_34
int field_38
int field_3C
int field_40
int field_44
int field_48
int field_4C
int field_50
int field_54
int field_58
int field_5C
int field_60
int field_64
int field_68
int field_6C
int field_70
int field_74
int field_78
int field_7C
int field_80
int field_84
int field_88

Function documentation

void Editors::PlayModeAnimations::ReadPanel(const ResourceKey& name)

Reads the .prop configuration file of a panel that contains multiple animation buttons.

name The ResourceKey of the .prop file.

The files of the panel anim buttons are in the 0x4060E100 folder.

void Editors::PlayModeAnimations::ReadAnimButton(PlayAnimPanel* pPanel, const ResourceKey& name)

Reads the .prop configuration file of an animation button, and adds it to the given panel.

pPanel The animation buttons panel this button must go.
name The ResourceKey of the .prop file.