UTFWin::ITextEdit class

Base classes

class UTFWinObject

Public types

enum Flags { kFlagReadOnly = 0x0001, kFlagAcceptReturn = 0x0002, kFlagAcceptInsertKey = 0x0004, kFlagOverwrite = 0x0008, kFlagHideInactiveSelection = 0x0010, kFlagHideCaret = 0x0020, kFlagEnableClipboard = 0x0040, kFlagPasswordMode = 0x0080 }

Public static variables

static const uint32_t TYPE

Public static functions

static auto Create() -> ITextEdit*

Public functions

auto ToWindow() -> IWindow* pure virtual
Returns the IWindow that represents this text edit.
auto GetTextStyleID() const -> uint32_t pure virtual
auto SetTextStyleID(uint32_t styleID) -> void pure virtual
auto GetColor(TextColors index) const -> Color pure virtual
Gets the component color for the given text type.
auto SetColor(TextColors index, Color color) -> void pure virtual
Specifies the component colors for the given text mode.
auto GetBorderWidth() const -> const Math::Rectangle& pure virtual
auto SetBorderWidth(const Math::Rectangle& widths) -> void pure virtual
auto GetCaretPeriod() const -> float pure virtual
Get the caret blink period.
auto SetCaretPeriod(float period) -> void pure virtual
Set the caret blink period.
auto GetField620h() const -> float pure virtual
auto SetField620h(float value) -> void pure virtual
auto GetWrapMode() const -> TextEditWarpMode pure virtual
auto SetWrapMode(TextEditWarpMode wrapMode) -> void pure virtual
auto SetTextEditFlag(int flag, bool value) -> void pure virtual
auto GetTextEditFlag(int flag) const -> bool pure virtual
auto GetTextEditFlags() const -> int pure virtual
auto GetTextLength() const -> int pure virtual
auto GetText() const -> const char16_t* pure virtual
auto GetTextFragment(eastl::string16& dst, int startIndex, int length) const -> int pure virtual
auto GetTextFragment(char16_t* dst, int startIndex, int length) const -> int pure virtual
auto SetText(const char16_t* pText, int arg_4) -> int pure virtual
auto GetMaxTextLength() const -> int pure virtual
auto SetMaxTextLength(int maxLength) -> void pure virtual
auto InsertText(char16_t* text, int textLength, bool arg_8) -> bool pure virtual
auto InsertText(char16_t* text, bool arg_4) -> bool pure virtual
auto ReplaceSelectedText(char16_t* text, bool arg_4) -> bool pure virtual
auto TextChanged(int startIndex, int endIndex, char16_t* text, int textLength, bool arg_10) -> bool pure virtual
auto TextChanged(bool arg_10) -> bool pure virtual
auto func80h() -> void pure virtual
auto func84h() -> void pure virtual
auto GetCursorIndex() const -> int pure virtual
auto SetCursorIndex(int cursorIndex, bool keepAnchor) -> void pure virtual
auto GetAnchorIndex() const -> int pure virtual
auto SetCursorAndAnchor(int cursorIndex, int anchorIndex) -> void pure virtual
auto GetCursorAndAnchor(int& cursorIndex, int& anchorIndex) -> bool pure virtual
auto func9Ch(int, int, int) -> bool pure virtual

Enum documentation

enum UTFWin::ITextEdit::Flags


If set to true, the text cannot be changed.


If set to true, allows return to insert a new line.


If set to true, allow using the insert key to toggle insert vs. overwrite mode.


If set to true, causes newly entered characters to overwrite existing characters.


If set to true, the selection will be hidden if we don't have focus.


If set to true, the flashing caret is hidden.


If set to true, allows copy and paste to and from clipboard.


If set to true, the displayed text is obscured, and won't copy to clipboard.

Function documentation

Color UTFWin::ITextEdit::GetColor(TextColors index) const pure virtual

Gets the component color for the given text type.

index The type of text affected by the color, in the TextColors enum.

void UTFWin::ITextEdit::SetColor(TextColors index, Color color) pure virtual

Specifies the component colors for the given text mode.

index The type of text affected by this color, in the TextColors enum.
color The new Color.

void UTFWin::ITextEdit::SetCaretPeriod(float period) pure virtual

Set the caret blink period.
