ColorPickerUIThis class holds all information related with the color picker in editor categories and its user interface.
A color picker is made of multiple color buttons, represented by the Palettes::
Base classes
- class DefaultRefCounted
- The default implementation of a reference counted class.
- class Object
- This class represents a basic reference counted object.
Public static variables
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- ColorPickerUI()
- ~ColorPickerUI() virtual
Public functions
auto Load(UTFWin::
IWindow* pWindow, uint32_ t propID, uint32_ t regionFilter, eastl::vector<Math:: ColorRGB>* pColors = nullptr) -> bool - Loads and generates the UI for this color picker.
- auto SetVisible(bool visible) -> void
- Toggles the visibility of this color picker.
auto GetSwatchArea(int index,
bool = false) const -> Math::
Rectangle - Returns the area that a swatch in the given index would fit.
auto SetColor(const Math::
ColorRGB& color) -> void - auto Update(long deltaMS) -> void
- auto AddRef() -> int override
- auto Release() -> int override
auto Cast(uint32_
t type) const -> void* override
Public variables
- ObjectPtr mpSelectedColorSwatch
IWindow* mpWindow - The container window where the layout is inserted.
- float mWidth
- The total width of the container window.
- float mHeight
- The total height of the container window.
ColorRGB mSelectedColor - The currently selected color.
- int mCustomColorIndex
- The index of the button for setting a custom color, only used if the property 'colorpickerAddCustomColor' is true.
- int mDefaultColorIndex
- The index of the button for setting the default color, only used if the property 'colorpickerAddDefaultColor' is true.
- eastl::vector<ColorSwatchUIPtr> mpColorUIs
- The user interfaces of the multiple color swatches that are shown in the color picker.
t mColorsCount - The number of color buttons that fit into the picker layout.
- PropertyListPtr mpPropList
- The PROP file that contains the configuration for this color picker.
t mRegionFilter - In block painting, the instance ID of a file that defines which region is painted in partial styles; The file is assumed to be in the folder with group ID 0x406A6F00.
Function documentation
bool Palettes:: ColorPickerUI:: Load(UTFWin:: IWindow* pWindow,
uint32_ t propID,
uint32_ t regionFilter,
eastl::vector<Math:: ColorRGB>* pColors = nullptr)
Loads and generates the UI for this color picker.
Parameters | |
pWindow | The container window where the layout will be inserted. |
propID | The instanceID of the property list that contains the properties of the color picker. The folder is assumed to be 'ColorPickerConfig'. |
regionFilter | |
pColors | [Optional] A list of the colors that must be generated. If it is not present, the list will be taken from the property 'colorpickerColors' of the .prop file. |
This creates the layout for all the color buttons.
void Palettes:: ColorPickerUI:: SetVisible(bool visible)
Toggles the visibility of this color picker.
If bVisible is true, the color picker UI will be brought to the front of its parent window.
Math:: Rectangle Palettes:: ColorPickerUI:: GetSwatchArea(int index,
bool = false) const
Returns the area that a swatch in the given index would fit.
It calculates it based on the 'colorpickerGapPercent' property, the number of color buttons and the width/height of the container.
Variable documentation
uint32_ t Palettes:: ColorPickerUI:: mRegionFilter
In block painting, the instance ID of a file that defines which region is painted in partial styles; The file is assumed to be in the folder with group ID 0x406A6F00.
In skinpaints, this is the skinpaint index (0 -> base, 1 -> coat, 2 -> detail).