Simulator::cCollectableItems class

Base classes

class ISimulatorSerializable
class DefaultRefCounted
The default implementation of a reference counted class.

Public types

struct UnlockableItem

Public static variables

static const uint32_t TYPE

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

ASSERT_SIZE(UnlockableItem, 0x1C)

Public functions

auto LoadConfig(uint32_t configGroupID, uint32_t configInstanceID, uint32_t itemsGroupID) -> void
auto AddUnlockableItem(uint32_t instanceID, uint32_t groupID, int itemUnlockLevel, uint32_t categoryID, int row, int column, int pageIndex, float itemUnlockFindPercentage, uint32_t itemUnlockEffect) -> void
auto AddUnlockableItemFromProp(struct ResourceKey key, uint32_t categoryID, int row, int column, int pageIndex) -> bool
Reads the prop file, checks the itemUnlockLevel, itemUnlockEffect and itemUnlockFindPercentage properties, and calls AddUnlockableItem().
auto sub_597BC0(UnkHashMap& dst, int, const ResourceKey& speciesKey) -> void
auto sub_597390(eastl::vector<int>& dst, struct cCollectableItemID itemID, int) -> void
auto AddRef() -> int pure virtual
auto Release() -> int pure virtual
auto Cast(uint32_t typeID) const -> void* pure virtual

Public variables

bool field_C
eastl::sp_fixed_map<cCollectableItemsRowID, cCollectableItemsRowVector, 64> mUnlockableRows
Stores a progression of unlockable items (for instance, all the mouths in the same row)
eastl::sp_fixed_hash_map<cCollectableItemID, UnlockableItem, 256> mUnlockableItems
Maps the group/instance of a rigblock to its UnlockableItem data.
eastl::sp_fixed_hash_map<cCollectableItemID, uint8_t, 256> mItemStatusInfos
Some flags.
eastl::vector<int> mUnlocksPerLevel
int mUnlockPoints
uint32_t mItemsGroupID
float mFindPercentageLevelMultiplier
float mGlobalFindPercentageMultiplier
eastl::list<cCollectableItemID> mUnlockedItems
eastl::hash_map<int, int> field_6D8C

Function documentation

bool Simulator::cCollectableItems::AddUnlockableItemFromProp(struct ResourceKey key, uint32_t categoryID, int row, int column, int pageIndex)

Reads the prop file, checks the itemUnlockLevel, itemUnlockEffect and itemUnlockFindPercentage properties, and calls AddUnlockableItem().


If itemUnlockFindPercentage is greater or equal than 1, it unlocks the item.