C++ Basics #4: Namespaces, Structs, Classes


When a program grows big, there are so many functions and variables that it's almost certain some of them will end up having the same name. In order to avoid name collisions, C++ introduces namespaces. A namespace is a region of code that allows you to declare names without them colliding with identical names in other namespaces. To access something inside a namespace, you have to prefix it with namespace_name::. For example:

namespace A
    int myvar;

int myvar;

Here there are no name collisions, because one is myvar, whereas the one inside the namespace is A::myvar. You can also nest namespaces inside other namespaces:

namespace A
    namespace B
        // This is A::B::myvar
        int myvar;

For example, everything that belongs to the C++ Standard Library is inside the std namespace, so you access it like std::vector, std::cin,...

To avoid writing :: all the time, there's an instruction that "removes" the namespace scope. using namespace A;, where A is the namespace name, means you won't have to write A:: all the time, C++ will assume it. However, this must be used carefully: think that it's defeating the reason namespaces were added in the first place. If this instruction is put inside a function, it will only affect inside that function.


Quite often a single variable is not enough to represent an object. Imagine you want to represent an employee: you might need to save its ID, its wage, its age,...

int joeAge;
int joeID;
float joeWage;

// What if we need another employee?
int kateAge;
int kateID;
float kateWage;

For situations like this, C++ introduces structs (short for structures). Structs let us create a new type with variables inside:

struct Employee
    int age;
    int id;
    float wage;

With that code we have created a new type, Employee, with those three variables; variables inside a structure are usually called members or fields. Note that Employee is a type, like int or string, but it's not an object yet. We can create employee objects just like we would with any other type:

Employee joe;
Employee kate;

When we create a variable of an struct we call that an instance of the struct. We can access the members of a struct by using . and the member name:

Employee joe;
joe.age = 27;
joe.id = 183902;
joe.wage = 1250.8;

Having to initialize each value line per line can be too long. We can use uniform initialization, which allows us to assign all the values in order:

Employee joe = { 27, 183902, 1250.8 };


More advanced C++, such as in the ModAPI SDK, uses a coding technique known as object-oriented programming. It basically consists in representing everything as objects, with an object being a collection of attributes (for object Person, age, height, gender,...) and behaviours it can exhibit (walk, dance, talk,...).

In C++, we can represent those objects as a class:

class Date
    int day;
    int month;
    int year;

Notice that the difference with structs is only in the public: line; if you want to know more about what it means, check this learncpp.com tutorial. Generally you will use classes, and structs only for very simple structures.

Classes can also have functions. A member function (a function inside of a class), sometimes also called method, has access to the variables of the class.

class Date
    int day;
    int month;
    int year;
    void print() {
        printf("%d/%d/%d", day, month, year);

Just as you can access member by using .member_name, you can call methods by using .method_name(parameters):

Date date = { 02, 02, 2020 };
Date date2 = { 25, 11, 1975 };

// This prints "2/2/2020"

// This prints "25/11/1975"

Constructors & Destructors

By default, when we define a new instance of a class/struct, all its members receive a default initialization: if it's an int, it gets assigned to 0, if it's a float, it gets assigned to 0.0, etc

That might not be the behaviour we want. For example, if we want to create a Color class, we might want it to be a white color by default. We can do this with constructors: a function called when an object is initialized. Constructors are functions that don't have a return type and have the same name as the class.

class Color
    int red;
    int green;
    int blue;
    // constructor
    Color() {
        red = 255;
        green = 255;
        blue = 255;

Inside constructors it's common to use initializer lists, which are used to assign values to the class members:

class Color
    int red;
    int green;
    int blue;
    // constructor
        : red(255)
        , green(255)
        , blue(255)

Constructors can also receive parameters; the constructor without parameters is the default constructor. It's called like that because if no constructor is defined, that one is created by default.

class Color
    int red;
    int green;
    int blue;
    // constructor
        : red(255)
        , green(255)
        , blue(255)
    Color(int value)
        : red(value)
        , green(value)
        , blue(value)

By default, the constructor is not called; this means that if we do Color color;, we cannot assume what the values will be: we say that the variable is uninitialized. There are multiple ways to call the constructor:

Color color();
Color color = Color();

Color color(128);
Color color = Color(128);

It's also possible to execute code when an object is destroyed, using a destructor. Destructors are defined like a contructor, but prefixed with ~: ~Color()

Static members

Sometimes, we will want to have members or methods in a class that don't really belong to each instance, but to the class itself. Let's see it with an example: imagine we want to define a variable that is the class name. That variable doesn't belong to each instance, because all instances of the class must have the same class name. We can define such variables (and methods) using the static keyword.

class Date
    static string CLASS_NAME = "Date";

    int day;
    int month;
    int year;
    void print() {
        printf("%d/%d/%d", day, month, year);

If we define a Date date; instance, we won't be able to do date.CLASS_NAME, because as we said the static variable does not belong to the instance, but to the class itself. We can access it like we accessed names inside a namespace: Date::CLASS_NAME.

Separating in header and source

Remember in the last tutorial when we talked about the importance of separating in header and source files? We must do the same when defining a class.


#pragma once

class Date
    int day;
    int month;
    int year;
    Date(int d, int m, int y);
    void print();
    static string CLASS_NAME;


#include "Date.h"

string Date::CLASS_NAME = "Date";

    : day(0)
    , month(0)
    , year(0)

Date::Date(int d, int m, int y)
    : day(d)
    , month(m)
    , year(y)

void Date::print() {
    printf("%d/%d/%d", day, month, year);


Imagine you create a class for Employer, and another for Employee. They have different attributes and behaviours, yes, but they also have some of them in common: they both have an age, a name, etc as they both are a person. Polymorphism allows us to define a hierarchy between classes that helps us deal with this kind of situations.

Polymorphism consists in class inheritance: classes can inherit (aka implement or extend) from other classes, automatically gaining all itrs attributes and behaviours. Following the previous example, we would create a Person class, and then the Employer and Employee classes would inherit from Person:

class Person {
    string name;
    int age;

class Employee
    : public Person  // this means inherit from Person
    float wage;

If we declare an instance of employee, we will also be able to access the person fields; but if we declare a person, we won't be able to access the wage, as that is a field for only certain types of person.

Employee emp;
emp.name = "Mike";
emp.wage = 1576.0;

Person person;
person.wage = 10;  // ERROR!

It's possible to extend more than one class. The extended classes are called base classes.

Virtual methods

Quite often subclasses won't have the same behaviour as their base class. For example, the Captain class shouldn't have the same attack behaviour than its base Creature class. C++ has a mechanic to override methods from a base class: virtual methods.

When a method in a base class is declared as virtual, it means subclasses can override the code of that method and give it its own behaviour. To override a method you just have to give it the same declaration: same name, same return type, same parameters, same specifiers.

class A {
    virtual void print() {
        printf("This is class A");

class B : public A {
    virtual void print() override {
        printf("This is class B");
A a;
// prints "This is class A"

B b;
// prints "This is class B"

There's another concept to learn, pure virtual methods. A pure virtual method does not have code; it's a way for the base class to tell that subclasses should provide their own implementation for those methods. If a class has a pure virtual method, you cannot create new instances of it; so subclasses will be forced to implement them.

class A {
    virtual void print() = 0;  // pure virtual

class B : public A {


B b;  // ERROR! you haven't implemented print()