How to enter into the editor

How to use an EditorRequest to access an editor.

Required includes


You can access an editor by using the Editors::EditorRequest class. You must create it using new, and it's better if you save it in an intrusive_ptr.

When you create a new instance of this class, you have to set the editorID field to the ID of the editor you want to go to. The ID has to be the name of an editor configuration file in the editor_setup~ folder, such as CreatureEditorExtraLarge, BuildingHouse, etc

There are some additional properties that control features available in the editor. Configurating them is optional:

  • sporepediaCanSwitch: If true, the button to enter the Sporepedia and edit another creation is enabled. By default, false
  • disableNameEdit: If true, it won't be possible to edit the name of the creation. By default, false
  • allowSporepedia: If true, the button to enter the Sporepedia will be enabled. By default, false
  • hasSaveButton: If true, there will be a button to save the creation. By default, false
  • hasCreateNewButton: If true, there will be a button to create a new creation. By default, false
  • hasExitButton: If true, there will be a button to exit the editor. By default, false
  • hasPublishButton: If true, there will be a button to publish and share the creation. By default, false
  • hasCancelButton: If true, there will be a cancel button. By default, true

One you have configured the request, you can submit it using EditorRequest::Submit(). If you are in a Simulator game mode, you should use GameModeManager.SubmitEditorRequest().


Enter into the creature editor

EditorRequestPtr request = new EditorRequest();
request->editorID = id("CreatureEditorExtraLarge");
request->allowSporepedia = true;
request->hasSaveButton = true;
