ModAPI SDK Basics: Objects & Pointers

Handling memory and pointers in Spore using Objects.

In this tutorial, we assume that you already know of the existance in pointers. It's important that you understand them as they are used a lot in Spore. As you learned, we can can allocate dynamic memory by using the keyword new; that returns a pointer, which will have to be deleted with delete later.

Since all new pointers have to be eventually deleted, this is one of the most common sources of errors: memory leaks. What happens if we forget to delete a pointer? We will have memory allocated for an object that is no longer used, so we will wasting memory. But we could also introduce an error the other way round: what if we delete an object too soon, and it was being used somewhere else in the code? To fix this, Spore introduces reference counting.

Reference Counting

Reference counting is the way Spore has to manage dynamic memory: every objects keeps track of how many objects are using it. When the object is used, its reference count increases by one; when it stops being used, it decreases by 1.

Now you might be thinking this doesn't solve the problem, because we can just forget to count the reference. But the SDK has an object to do this automatically: intrusive_ptr. An intrusive pointer will increase the reference count when it gets assigned a value, and decrease it when the intrusive pointer dies. The object will delete itself when the count reaches 0. For example:

// The old, unsafe way to do it
PropertyList* myList = new PropertyList();
delete myList;

// The new, safe way to do it
intrusive_ptr<PropertyList> myList = new PropertyList();
// We don't have to worry about deleting it, it's done automatically

Most classes that support intrusive pointers also define an alias for the intrusive_ptr version, which is the type name finished in Ptr. For intrusive_ptr<App::PropertyList> it would be PropertyListPtr, for intrusive_ptr<Simulator::cVehicle> it would be cVehiclePtr, etc

The pointer operators, like dereferrencing (*) and member accessing (->) are done in exactly the same way with intrusive pointers. It's still possible to get the native * pointer (many methods in the SDK require it) by calling the method .get() (in the previous example you would do myList.get()); of course, do not try to delete the pointer it gives you, since that defeats the purpose.

Try to use intrusive pointers wherever possible, specially when you keep pointers as members of a class.

Can all objects use reference counting?

No. First, you cannot use intrusive pointers on basic types like int, float, vector<int>, etc (you can have a vector of intrusive pointers though). Intrusive pointers can only be used on classes that implement these two methods: AddRef(), Release(). Most Spore objects (or at east those where you can use new) implement those methods.

Ref. counting in custom objects

If you want to use reference counting on your own classes, you don't need to implement manually. You can just make your class inherit from DefaultRefCounted.

class MyClass
    : public DefaultRefCounted


Many interfaces in Spore, like UTFWin::IWinProc or App::IMessageListener require you to implement reference counting. In the cases that you inherit from such classes, you will aslo need to explicitly tell that you are using the already-implemented methods, which is done like this:

// In the .h file
class MyClass
    : public UTFWin::IWinProc
    , public DefaultRefCounted
    // Tell the compiler that we are going to implement these methods
    int AddRef() override;
    int Release() override;

// In the .cpp file
// Instead of implementing them, we just call the existing implementation:
int MyClass::AddRef() {
    return DefaultRefCounted::AddRef();
int MyClass::Release() {
    return DefaultRefCounted::Release();


The most common reference counted class is the Object class. Not only it support reference counting, but it also implements a system for dynamic casting. Casting is converting from one type to another.

Imagine you have a function that receives a generic object. You want to do something special if that object is actually a creature. You can do that by using the object_cast function: if the object is of the required type, it will return it, otherwise it returns nullptr.

void function(Object* object) 
    auto animal = object_cast<cCreatureAnimal>(object);
    if (animal) {
        // animal is a cCreatureAnimal* now

You can cast to any class that has a TYPE field.

Implementing casting in custom classes

When you inherit your class from Object, not only you have to implement AddRef() and Release() (which you can do with DefaultRefCounted), you also have to implement the cast method.

First of all, in your class declaration, you have to give the class a unique ID. You can do it by just using id() on the class name.

// In the .h file
class MyClass
    : public Object
    , public DefaultRefCounted
    static const uint32_t TYPE = id("MyClass");

    int AddRef() override;
    int Release() override;
    void* Cast(uint32_t type) override;

The implementation of a cast file is very easy, you just have to compare the given type. In fact, we provide some macros to help you.

  • CLASS_CAST should be used for all parent classes that the object can be casted to (i.e. that have a TYPE field).
  • If one of the parent classes also inherits from object, it's better to use PARENT_CLASS instead. The first type you should compare is the class itself, then all its parents. At the end of the method return nullptr.
void* MyClass::Cast(uint32_t type) const
    // If we inherited from IWinProc, since it's also an object, we would use PARENT_CAST(IWinProc);
    return nullptr;